.Saturday, July 29, 2006 ' 1:49 PM
Love your life and live your love
Yesterday was my 2nd performance in skool..
Yes,ITE clementi..
N it sux..
It was the most pathetic peformance i've ever had..
I hoped that this time round it will be better..
But no..It's worst than ever..
The event started at around 6.30pm and we were the last few to perform...
Actuali not the last few..But the last..
N everything were cocked up..
The skool organizer reali suck big time man...
To make matters worst..
It rained..So,most of the guests were already going home the time we performed...
But luckily..
I did not performed with my band..
It was only a cca..
I dun wanna my band to perform in that kind of situation..
I want the band to make something reali big out of every performances we are going to have..
N the feeling of satisfaction afer that..
Coz that is the best feeling that every performer wished for..
.Thursday, July 27, 2006 ' 8:59 PM
Love your life and live your love
Hmm..This is for the band...
I dun think having too many members in the band is necessary..
Its juz making it becoming more complicated..
To Ameer..
How bout putting Eric as the drummer?..
Would he agree to it?..
Coz Hafiz is a busy man..
N i dun tink he has the time to join us in every session..
So why not put Eric instead..
Since he can play the drums...
Aizat would be the vocalist..
N u..Can be the rhytmist and also a 2nd vocalist..
The bass part...
Hasyim can cover it ryt?..
So,juz make it simple..
Juz five person in the band..
How bout it?..
Ameer-Guitarist/2nd vocalist
Yazid-2nd Guitarist
PLz comment if u had any better ideas...
To Hafiz and Effendi...
Sori if this idea of mine bout forming the band does not include you guys..
Dun feel bad k..
. ' 8:47 PM
Love your life and live your love

Yesterday,i and hasyim went to meet our ex classmate,Jazlyn at her skool...
Republic Polytechnic..
Well,missed her jokes n craps as i've not chill with her for quite sometimes..Lets talk bout her skool instead..
N who knows that RP is not only a beauty on the outside but also in the inside..
We went to eat at the cafeteria which is free for all to enter..
The food was kinda cheap too..
Nxt,slack at the library..
Theres a place where we could play pool for only
$2 per game..
Damn cheap huh..
There are also laptops with free internet service which could be used by anyone at all for free...
N more..
In other words,RP is wonderful..
Hope that i could get into poly..
Can't wait to be a poly student...
.Wednesday, July 26, 2006 ' 11:47 PM
Love your life and live your love
Hola guys...
We jammed during break time n had fun..
As usual,our bands are not complete..
But,cannot be blamed..Coz the instruments were not there..
So juz play around in the room..
I was playing the guitar at first..
But since zack was there to play it,i played the keyboard instead..
Well,its a piano actuali..But wth...
Its been quite sometimes since i last played the keyboard..
I used to play keyboard in an orchestra before...
But then,i quit...
Coz can't read scores..Damn..
I reali wished i could...
Missed playing the keyboard..
But on the other hand i wanna be a guitarist...
So,which instrument should i focus on??..
Confused....Can't decide..
. ' 11:31 PM
Love your life and live your love
Do you know why Hurricanes are named after Women??....Because...
when they comes,they wind and whack you...
N when they leave,they take all your valuables away...
Makes Sense??...
. ' 11:17 PM
Love your life and live your love
Why must all this happen to me?..
Everything was fine with me and her until someone imposted as me...
Go and F**k off la whoever you are...
Why are you so mean to me huh?..
I was truely sincere...
I didn't ask for anything more besides frenship....
Trust me...
N i did not tag your board...
It was someone out there trying to frame me...
I'll do anything to win your trust back..
Just don't damn me..
Plz...I'm begging u..
I know u already had a bf...
But all i asked for was frenship..
Is that hard for you?..
.Saturday, July 22, 2006 ' 9:00 PM
Love your life and live your love
Did nothing much today....
Juz went to simei ite where my cca is held....
After that got nowhere to go...
Thought u guys were meeting up..
But too bad,nobody planned anything...
So,after that,went to bugis to eat...
The eating place is great...
The food there was fantastic...
U guys out there shuld try it...
The place is called Tong Seng Eating place....
Niwaes,I've been craving and desperate to form a band...
Well,theres "The Handicaps" alright...
But i want something more...
Amer,Eric,Aizat,u noe wat i mean...
Not that i'm not happy playing music with u guys...
But its juz not enough for me...
I want a band that is complete with atleast a rhythmist,soloist,bassist,vocalist and a drummer.....
The handicaps are alright but its not complete..
Our positions are juz not fixed...
Whenever we go session,theres always someone missing..
N theres no sense of commitment...
Amer n Eric shuld realise that....
Dun u guys?....
I wanna be in a band that could perform completely on a stage...
Or even gig if we are able to...
I noe we have to start small...
But without commitment,a band could not go anywhere...
.Friday, July 21, 2006 ' 11:28 PM
Love your life and live your love
Two more days before i'm going back to skool...
Kinda bored sitting around doing nothing at home for three damn weeks....
Except for the chalet that is...
That was fun....
Especially the ghostly experience we encountered...
Right guys?....
I kinda miss skool...
N i've forgot some of the things that has been taught...Although i did a lil revision on my own...
Well,who cares..
Atleast i get to hang around with my frenz back...
The handicaps...
Sluts Inc...
N ya...Also the minister,hasyim...hahaha..
Although i see him lyk almost everyday..
To Sluts Inc....
Who would have guessed that hanging around with u guys would be so much fun..
Only found it out when i recently started mixing around with u guys...
Hope to mix with u guys more often...
To amer..
Read ur blog n found out that u've been sad n angry over something..
Throw away all your negative emotions far2 away..
Don't let it affect u...
Its no good for your health...
Thats an advice from Dr Pandi's fren...
To ayn..
Looks lyk i've beginning to get over everything tat has happened..
Thx to u n everyone...
Sori if i was harshed on u..
was controlled by emotions...
N it affect my health too...haha..
Hope that our frenship last..
Thx once again...
To ilah..
Such great fren u are..
always blurr n that wat makes u different from the rest..
no offence....
hanging around with u always gives me laughter...
thx..Coz its not ez to make me laugh..
Well,u noe what fana always says...
I juz got that shuddup look..
To Eric..
If u're reading this..
Juz lyk to say that u rock!!!...
But i rock more than u la..
To aizat...
Long tym havent heard anything from u...
Are u still there bro?..
haha..juz kidding...
niwaes,glad that u have left ur mat repz world n join us...
U'll be better here where there'll be no ciggies for u...
Its good for ur health u noe...
To hasyim...
Well,deres nothing to say bout u..
ran out of words..haha..
n besides,i'm always hanging around with u...
So,tkyah ckp byk2 la...
juz lyk to say u're a true fren...
N to everyone outhere whom i forgot to mention...
Sori for not mentioning ur names...
U guys juz rock my world.....
C ya......
.Thursday, July 20, 2006 ' 6:27 PM
Love your life and live your love
Its better to love someone who loves you than to love someone whom you love...
This is the sentence that have helped me move on in life after being hurt by something called love...
But i wonder,why izit that we cant get the one we loved?..Why?..
N how long do i have to wait for that someone who loves you?..
Why do we have to make sacrifices in life?..Why?..
Tell me why....
. ' 5:54 PM
Love your life and live your love
I didn't know that u've been reading my blog too and have not been tagging...
I'm sori if my previous entry reali shocked u..
Didnt mean to..
I know that we have not met since pri 6..tats a long time..
N i should be forgetting of whatever happened then...
But i just couldnt...
N i've never tell u anything bout my feelings towards u at that tym..
Tat is why i'm still suffering up to now..
Coz i juz couldnt let out my feelings to u..
I've tried to forget u but i can't..
Ju,if u're reading this..
I juz wanna let u know that my feelings for u has never changed from the first day i saw u..
U're the first ever girl i've loved..
I've always wanted to go to sch juz to look at u,smiling..
But its all in my memories now..
I know that this will freak you out..
But i've no choice..
I have to tell u..
So Ju,i dun wan u to hate me after reading this entry..
N i'll be happy if we can juz be frens lyk we used to be..
Coz i know that i'll never get u more than a fren..
So,if u still regard me a fren..
Feel free to sms me or the least u could do is tag my board..
.Monday, July 17, 2006 ' 11:51 PM
Love your life and live your love
Boring..... Boring..... Boring..... I'm juz bored... Plz somebody do something before i die of boredom....
. ' 1:26 PM
Love your life and live your love
I want you in my sweetest dream..
Where you're the only one I'll see..
N no matter what i do..
I'm not afraid that i'll lose you..
I see you when my eyes are wide..
My front,back,left and right..
I juz dun want my eyes to shut..
In deep misery,where i'll miss you..
I juz want you in my arms..
Keeping you safe..
Dun wanna let go..
Why dun you believe me?..
When i told you so..
It looks lyk you're only gonna be in..
My Sweetest Dreams..
.Saturday, July 15, 2006 ' 11:49 PM
Love your life and live your love
I dunno..
How i could bear..
All those pains that u've done to me..
When you left me,
all by by myself..
To make me cry..
With all your lies..
And let me tell you,
One thing..
That u're nothing....
An angel.....
From Hell.....
I dunno..
How i could leave..
All those memories that u've given me..
With all of your words..
Stuck in my head..
Can't let you go..
Oh ohohh...
But let me tell you,
One thing..
That u're nothing....
An angel....
From Hell..
.Friday, July 14, 2006 ' 11:42 PM
Love your life and live your love
I thought i was in heaven but indeed i was in hell..
For why am i being sad,coz i've got stories to tell..
Those words that you have said
have leave a deep scar in my head..
So,why are you still there?..
Juz leave and dun come back..
Well,I dunno how i fell,
N i dunno what to do..
Coz everything seems so perfect
Till you came and crush it through..
Now i know its juz a dream,
N its time for me to move..
I juz got one last say,
N tat's to say thank you..
For the memories..
For all the strenghts..
For the hopes..
Its all gone now..
Whats left now..
Is juz hurts..
N sense of hopelessness..
So once again,
For Nothing..
. ' 5:45 PM
Love your life and live your love
Hey guys..Tommorow esplanade ade alternative rock concert(baybeats)..How bout goin there together ramai2?..
. ' 12:02 AM
Love your life and live your love
I was bored..so tkde keje nk uat,i'm juz posting this for fun..All about me n my family..I was brought up in a diff kind of family..My mum and dad are already reaching their 50s..(unlike lyn's parents, they're reali young)..So,they do not understand the life that i'm living now..I may look like a normal everyday teen in the street..But deep inside,i'm not living lyk them..Both my parents are working..But we're not rich..We juz live life the way we had to..Sometyms,i juz wish i could be brought up in a family that is well-off..Tkyah susa2..Nk ape2 je,dpt..Isn't that good?..
My mum..She is nice but very fierce at times..She works n works to earn extra income for the family..My dad's pay is juz not enough to support the four of us..The thing that she reali wanted me to do was pass my o's n get into poly.. But i could not even do that simple task to make her smile..I dun think i've done my part as a son..I couldnt make her happy..Also,she has always advice me not to get involved in a boy-girl relationship..She always said that this things would only end up hurting ourselves..N i shuld patiently wait for that someone till the tym is ryt..I tink that what she said was totally true..That is why,till now,i've no girlfriend or watsoever..N if only i would have listen to her..I would not have hurt my feelings now..I reali treasure her..
My dad..Nothing much to talk bout him reali..But he's a great guy though..Always very stubborn and firm..N that is also something negative about him..Never giving in although he's at fault..Asyik nk menang je..Mane fair..Hmm..He also has a bad habit of smoking..He's a heavy smoker..He could easily finish off one to two pack of ciggies per day..My mum had always told him to stop or atleast cut down..But well,as i said,he's juz stubborn..But what i lyk bout him is that he never fails to gives the family a treat during his payday..Sadly,i didnt get to see him that much nowadays..Coz of his job..Hope he would change for the better..
My sis..She's 14 this year n i dunno what to talk bout her..All i can say is she's doing quite good in her studies..She juz received the best student award for her stream..She's in NA..But its ok..Maybe she could be posted to exp stream nxt year n could save one year..I juz hope that she would make my parents proud in terms of academic.. Coz i've failed to do so..
Me..Well,its for me to know,and for YOU to find out..Hahahaha....
.Thursday, July 13, 2006 ' 12:36 PM
Love your life and live your love
Hmm..Three days at the chalet was great..My first reaction when reaching the house was.."WOW"....It was big with two storeys and four rooms..
First Day/Night..
After unpacking all our stuffs into our respectives room,the guys went to play soccer excluding Is and Fendi coz they were in the pool with the gals..After that,it was our turns to jump into the pool..We had the whole pool to ourselves n had a great tym...Unfortunately,i injured myself thanx to hasyim..But luckily nothing else happened..Thank god..
Den,we had barbeque..The food tasted great thanx to Syak,Is,Ayn n those who hav helped..They were reali good at cooking too..
It was around 12 plus n all of us decided to chill at the beach..But..The gate that lead there was locked..So,we juz walked n walked till we reached the pasir ris park..We juz slacked there telling ghost stories n stuffs..It was around two then..But unfotunately,something unexpected happened and we went back straight to our house..No one dared speak of it till we reached back..We all slept late that nyt..
Second Day/Night..
I woke up at around 10 if i'm not wrong..Fana,Syak,Ayn,Is,Lyn and Firaj went to white sands to buy some food n stuffs that were running out..The rest stayed in the house..Ameer went back as he had to sit for his mt oral.. Nothing much happened..
In the evening,we went for a dip in the pool again..Not much of a dip actuali..It was kinda wet n wild swim.. Haha..Everyone was running up n down the slide..It was fun though..
Tonight,we did not go out..Instead,we played games..Lyn was furious at the penalty that we asked her to do..N she went off to the pool alone..Ayn n Effy calmed her down not knowing another bad experience were awaiting them..
That night,Ameer,Eric,Effy,Hasyim n I slept together..Haha..Five fully grown man was cramming on one bed.. What a nightmare..haha
Third Day..
We checked out at 10.30..Home Sweet Home.....
.Monday, July 10, 2006 ' 12:24 AM
Love your life and live your love
Tomorrow is the day that all my classmates are waiting for..Ya..The chalet alright..Its kinda fast though..We planned this about a month ago n tmr's the 'big' day..Its located at aloha near downtown east..(advantage for effy n ilah)..haha..We'll be staying for 3 days 2 nights there..
N Haiz..My mum keep nagging not to do anything bad there..Yela..Pape bleh berlaku kan...Juz dun wori mum...I'll take care of myself reali well..Luv ya..haha..
. ' 12:17 AM
Love your life and live your love
Hey!..Its finally the world cup finals..Btwn France and Italy..Around 2 hour plus more to getting to know the results..Hmm..I tink it will be the Italians going home with the cup this year..Hope so..But on the other hand,France is also a strong opponent..So not that confident..haha..Gd luck..haha..
.Saturday, July 08, 2006 ' 11:33 PM
Love your life and live your love
I went to Victoria Concert Hall today to watch hasyim performing..It was no fun at all coz i had to go there alone as hasyim was performing n could not join me..There,i met some of my chinese ex-classmates n decided to join them.. But i regretted doing that..haha..First of all,they were noisy throughout the performance..N i am not that close with them so i didnt talk much..It was kinda boring although the performance was nice..Just my luck..haha..I've learnt a lesson not to go to a concert alone without your best fren..
Hmm..I read her blog today and she wrote that she was dissapointed with what i posted in my blog...I reali didnt meant to hurt her..I was juz writing down bout what i felt..So if u're reading this,i would like to say sorry if i had hurt u..I'm fine if u still wanna be frens..But there's only one thing i wanna ask from u..Treat me like a fren n i'll treat u like one too..So,prove to me that u still have the values of a
TRUE fren..
.Friday, July 07, 2006 ' 11:47 PM
Love your life and live your love
Today was fun..After Friday prayers,i went to play soccer with my frens..It has been a long time since i played together with them..So,not that good la..Coz no more click oredi..haha..We played from 2 plus till dusk..All our stamina were gone by then..haha..Needs to practise more often i guess..
After soccer,i went hm..On the way hm,'she' was msging me..HAIZ..I have no mood at all nak layan dier..I juz dun understand her attitude..Its reali strange..First,she crushes everything...Den........'She' says,"lets juz be frens"..But has 'she' ever treated me like one??.. NEVER.....In the morning when she sees me,she didnt even care to say gd mornin or hi.. Is that how a fren treats his/her fren??..No....In skool,she hardly talks to me..Is that how a fren treats his/her fren??..No....After skool,she didnt even bother to come up to me and say something..Is that how a fren treats his/her fren??..No....So how can she calls herself a fren,if she doesnt act like one?..All my frens are special to me..But she's not..So how can she be my fren?..Its simple to call anyone a fren..But,its hard to find a
TRUE fren..
TRUE fren would never:
- Dissappoint
- Lie
- Fails to put a smile on your face
TRUE fren would always:
- Stand by your side
- Cheer you up
- Listen to your problem
After listing down all this,i can see that 'she' doesnt have what it takes to be my fren..
.Thursday, July 06, 2006 ' 6:03 AM
Love your life and live your love
Arghh...Yesterday was Germany..Today,Portugal..The teams that i have faith in has all been kicked out..Tk guna.. First,Spain..Ok..then i was hoping for brasil..They too were defeated by France..So,the nxt two teams that i thought will probably meet in the finals would be Germany and Portugal..But,it looks lyk they are only going to face each other for the 3rd n 4th place..Haram btol..haha..So,juz wait n see who would emerge as the winner?..Will it be Italy,or France?..Dun miss the action..
.Tuesday, July 04, 2006 ' 10:13 PM
Love your life and live your love
The remedial today was ok..Released at 11 again and after that,the whole class nk gi chill..But no one can decide where to go..Ade nk gi Changi Airport,some said Suntec city and even Sentosa..But all the places that were suggested were rejected by some others..so,nowhere to go..Everybody's ego started to rise and most were pissed off,going their seperate ways..
Then,Ameer,Eric,Ilah and Effy decided to play pool..(at downtown that is)..So,off to pasir ris..Effy said it was $2.80 p/h..But after we reached there,we found out it has changed to $6 p/h..But nvm..We played for one hour and then back home..In the train,i and ameer had a long conversation about our class and everything..It was nice talking to him..
Den,around 5pm,i met my sec sch frens..Jaz,Syed,Raudhah,sharon and Hasyim..Da lame tk lepak same2 with them..It was the nicest event that i had for today..
.Monday, July 03, 2006 ' 11:21 PM
Love your life and live your love
What a boring day!!...Have to attend accounting class today..It supposed to end at 12.30 but we are released at 11 by ms sally ng..What a relief..Den,off to jp to have lunch n went to play pool for one hour plus with them..it was ok..nothing interesting reali..Tmr would be the same i guess....Haiz..
Well i juz dun understand why i have changed since mixing around with my ITE mates..I,m not the "crazy" yazid that i've always been..I miss the old times where i would always crack silly jokes when hanging around with my frens lyk hasyim,jazlyn,syed n raudhah..i juz dun have that click with my ITE frens..dunno why..Maybe its not the time yet or i juz cant get along with them..If this goes on,i'm in great trouble..Coz i've to stay with them for 1 1/2 more years..I juz hope things will improve sooner or later..