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.Saturday, September 30, 2006 ' 2:14 AM
Love your life and live your love

Hola peeps...
Its been awhile since i've last updated...
N there has been questions asked by one of my biggest blog fan.....
Well actualli i've nothing interesting to talk about lately..
Juz doing the same plain things every single day...
Not mentioning the long hours werking...
But still,my job is fun...
Frm usher,now i get to sell tickets...
N yar..
Wat load of ppl i met everyday....
There is this one day when i was doing the counter..
A malay couple went up to me n bought two tickets for the latest horror movie "stay alive"...
N guess wat...
They bought popcorns,drinks,wedges,n hotdogs....
During the month of ramadhan!!!!
The lady was wearing a 'tudong' sumore..
Ppl nowadays....
Did they actuali forget that they are fasting or wat....
I dunno...

Btw,im still promoting the job vacancy at my werkplace for non-muslims....
Anyone please apply b4 this upcoming raya...
Juz come down to cathay causeway point,level 7....

Its the 7th day of fasting...
Seems so fast...
N skools starting in arnd two weeks time...
Feel like quitting skool after sitting for my accounting paper.....
Im sure gonna do badly for it...
Why am i doing this course i dunno....
Definitely not my kinda course...
N paper works are juz not my type...
Nutting else to say...

.Saturday, September 23, 2006 ' 5:17 PM
Love your life and live your love

Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.....
Peace to be upon u....
Holla peeps...
Here i am blogging to wish all muslims...
The young,the old,man,women,boys n gals...
A happy ramadhan....
The start of the fasting month....
tonite is the ferst nite to go for terawih...
Prayers tat we perform every night of the fasting month...
N wat bad luck i had...
I cant go tonite....
Coz im werking...
Till midnight....
But nvm...
God noes...

After one month of fast....
Wat we muslims do is celebrate hari raya....
N tat is the month i cant wait...
But i think bad luck is written all over my forehead....
Guess wat....
I have to werk on 1st day of raya itself.....
Coz my werkplace no chinese...
Onli 3 chinese ppl...
Im so freaking pissed.....
But relax..
Tink on the bight side..
Wait a minute
Is there even any bright side for that..
So if there's any chinese,indian or non-malay out there who's interested to get a job this holiday....
inform me....
Juz tag me at my tagboard...
Maybe u could help me n save my misery not being able to celebrate raya..

.Wednesday, September 20, 2006 ' 1:24 AM
Love your life and live your love

Hello peeps....
Heres something i got to tell to everyone...
Juz to let u all noe im still alive....
First of all...
To the pog...

Hey crazy ppl...
Sori tat ive not been joining u guys lately...
Its not that i dun like hanging out with u guys but im reali veri busy....
Now,ive juz got a job....
Den my band probs....
tats not including some other probs that im facing....
So hope u guys understand...
I noe u guys are goin to sentosa on wednesday....
Sori to say but i cant join u guys there either....
Juz go on n enjoy without me....
Hav a great time...
N come back to share ur stories....
All the best peeps...

Nxt to tbc....
Hello ppl....
Wat im gonna say to u guys is roughly the same bout wat i had said above....
Everyone is also veri busy i noe....
Hasyim n me juz got a job...
Idris is having his exams....
Jazlyn is starting her new term in skool....
Syed is busy waiting for his boss to call....
N sharon....
I dunno wat she's busy with but i can tell that she's veri2 busy..
Maybe she's gone back india to sell roti prata...
(tat was abit racist...)
Juz love to disturb u with moorthy's "phrases"...
Hope that i can go to the nxt outing planned....

Now to Ensisventine.....
First of all i would like to apologise for being so fucked up bout my entry the other day....
I noe i shud hav not said that but im juz feeling dissapointed at that point of time....

To Lizzie..
I noe u hav read that entry n u were'nt quite happi with it..
I noe...
Who wouldnt ryt??...
Im reali sori...
Juz hope that u could give abit more commitment to us...
I noe ure good...
But still u have to come dwn for sessions...
I dun mind if u cant come for any reason at all...
But u need to do ur hwks n come for the nxt one...
I hope im not too pressurising....
But this is what we muz do if u wan this band to go forward...
Like wat u've said,we r still new....
So bcoz of this,i wan u all to work harder...

To iman....
Congrats that ur fear for performances is now overcomed...
Im reali glad....
I can see that u r reali interested to continue with us....
I hope im not wrong...
N im aslo sori for that entry...
Hope ure not too mad...
Juz brush up here n there n u'll be fine....
I've faith in u...
So prove to me u can do it...

To idris....
U're the most comitted person in the band...
I've to compliment u for that...
I noe ure also dissapointed bout that event but i guess im juz over-reacted...
So sori bout that...
Hope to hear u hit the drumset again soon....
All the best for ur exams...

To yan...
So far u've been good...
Ure also one of the most commited member....
Since ure a full time band member..
Keep it up brader...

To hasyim...
Ure the front man of the band...
The one who will steal the limelight...
So stop palying a fool...
Dun ever joke bout quiting n this n that....
Be serious....
I noe ure a joker but can be serious at times??...
Juz look at how nightwish struggles to find a new vocalist after tarja left....
So juz stick with us....
Why leave anyway??...
So stop all this crapping....

So Ensisventine...
This is all i had to say...
Once again,sori for the attitude i've shown in my blog...
Now lets start it fresh...
Get as many gigs as possible alryte??...
I hope no more probs will come in the future....
So do it guys!!!....

.Sunday, September 17, 2006 ' 1:11 PM
Love your life and live your love

First of all....
I wanna say sorri to Is for not coming dwn for ur performance....
I was werking...
Not tat i dun wanna support...
Coz i juz got a job....

I was werking in cathay....
So far not bad...
The job is fun...
Its an easy one...
Juz had to tear tickets...
Sometimes had to run arnd n check the cinema...
Can sneak into any hall n see any show....
But not the whole show la...
So basically tats all i had to do...
Easy huh....
So till here only...
Had nothing much to talk about lately....
So adios!!!

.Thursday, September 14, 2006 ' 2:14 AM
Love your life and live your love

F**k lar....
Im so into it oredi..
N den cancelled....
Nt ready yet??..
We didnt even tried....
N hw do u noe....
Atleast give it a try lar....
I dun mind got kicked out the first round....
But wats important is we try...
But since all have agreed to back out den ive no other choice...
But to agree....

Im sooooosososooo dissapointed ryt nw.....
This is the chance tat we have n u guys blew it out...
Cmon guys...
I want u all to understand....
If we have any kind of competition at all...
A gig or something,this will make us bond closer...
If all u guys think is that we are not ready...
Then tell me when will we be ready??...
look..if there's no upcoming event for the band,we will not be active...
N we will start to slack....
Den if another comp comes arnd....
All we could say is that we are not ready...
Den till when??....
Till i have my own grandson izzit??....
Cant u guys see that comp n gigs are the time for us to get ready...
Participate in many as possible....
N thru this experience,we get ready n improve bit by bit....
Not wait n wait doin nothing to get ready...
Cant u guys see this frm my angle??...
Juz hope u guys realise n understand wat im trying to say...
Nutting else to say...

.Wednesday, September 13, 2006 ' 11:58 AM
Love your life and live your love

Today is afd exam..
But i dunno wat time it starts..
So,came as usual at 8...
Asked Ameer yest but no reply...
Den found out it spose to start at 3....
So here i am alone in skool in the self access room...
Hav to wait all the way till 3pm..
Wat an unlucky day...
Juz like the other time..

N to Ensisventine....
R u guys serious about joining the competition??
If u all are...
Den be serious....
We havent even session properly...
N its juz nxt week..
Hello ppl!!!....

To iman..
Do ur hwk..
We cant be guiding u thru all the time..
A little help here n there is fine but still u must practise it urself..
Bass part iznt tat hard..
so do it..
i believe u can..

To lizzie..
No news yet so far..
I realli2 need to hear u out soon..
So do come down for sessions regularly..
JUz for the upcoming competition plz...
i noe u hav other commitments too but plz commit to us atleast for this competition..

To Idris..
I noe u are excited bout it..
I am too..
U're the most supportive guy i've ever met...
Keep it up..
Its reali nice of u tat u wanna be our drummer in the band..
So hopefully we could participate in the comp...

To Yan...
U're a hardworking guitarist...
Keep it up...
N ur guitar skills hav improved trremendously..
U're a better guitarist than i am...
So teach me la sometyms...
Dun be selfish...

To Hasyim..
I reali dunno wat to say bout the band la..
But watever it is,im bringing this band to the asian beat...
I'll prove tat we can make it..
N its reali great to hear tat ure not backing out...
Coz ure the only hope in us...
all the best...

.Tuesday, September 12, 2006 ' 3:29 AM
Love your life and live your love

Can't sleep...
So here i am blogging at 3.30 in the morning...
Tmr gotta go for a job interview at paya lebar...
Thinking of getting a job during these school holidays....
To earn some cash...

Many interesting things are starting to occur in my life....
First of all..
Getting the job is an easy task....
Den,my bfd paper was manageable and quite easy...
Afd is juz one more day....
I hope its as ez as bfd...

But the most exciting event i'm waiting for...
is the competition....
My band,Ensisventine..
decided to join the asian beat....
It would be awesome....
I cant wait for the heats....
The grand prize itself is S$50,000...
If only we could win the first place...
But watever it is...
I hope we could do our best...
Ryt guys??..
Wish us all the best peeps....
We reali appeciate ur support....

.Friday, September 08, 2006 ' 4:09 PM
Love your life and live your love

Today did nothing...
Went to school hoping anybody would be there....
But not a single one of my classmate is present...
Suppose to have tks lesson...
But no one came....
So alone i am sitting in the canteen....
Ameer pon...
Says he wanna come n take back his book in the locker....
But didnt even sees his shadow.....
So went to eat in the canteen n go the self access room coz too lazy to go hm...
But didnt stay long as got nothing to do.....
So went back home...
Took 963 frm skool n slept all the way back in the bus....
N straight to bed after reaching hm...
So here i am blogging about wat happened the whole morning....
Shud hav not come....
But if i did not come,no pocket money...
Coz im desperate for money ryt nw....
Trying to save up to buy an electric guitar...
Hope tu buy it after Hari Raya.....

.Wednesday, September 06, 2006 ' 11:10 AM
Love your life and live your love

The Kings of Clementi has done it....
The clementi ite team 2 has did better than team 1...
We scored 1 goal more than them....
Yesterday was magnificent....
Played in the futsal tournament n came back third in group 2...
I was hoping we could get to the semi-finals but nvm...
Its a job well done guys...
Its juz one point away to get in...
We can do better if there's a nxt time...

Reached bukit batok ite at around 10.30...
Waited for mr rohaizan n den we gt our jerseys....
The jerseys were not that nice but it was ok...
All had to wear size XL...
N the keeper,Hafiz had no choice but to wear S...
He looks tough in tat shirt....

Our first match was against ang mo kio...
So when the whistle blows...
Ang mo kio starts the game...
All of us were nervous...
Hafiz jab tried to dribble thru the midfielders but he was tackled...
N den....
Ang mo kio scored the first goal...
The game continues n nt long after tat another shot...
N it went straight pass our keeper n to the back of the net....
Subtitutions takes place...
N a few mins later,another goal!!
Priiitttttt x3!!!!
The whistle blows....
N there we have....
Ang Mo Kio 3...
Clementi 0....

Our nxt match...
Against Dover ite...
Eric started the game as striker...
The game goes on for quite sometime with no goals yet frm both teams....
Den,a nice thru ball frm the defence to the front...
Eric received it,dribble abit n he shoots...
The keeper dived n pushes the ball away...
The ball came back to eric's feet n he whacked it one more time...
The ball went straight in between the keeper's legs n to the back of the net...
The first goal frm clementi....
What a goal...
N the game continues with only a few mins more to spare..
The thought of winning this game ended when the opponent headed in a last min goal....
It was only a matter of few secs to victory...
So the results..
Clementi against Dover....

The nxt match...
Balestier ite....
They had no point yet so far....
Juz like us...
So,we had to win them...
N effy was playing in this game...
The game goes like any other games....
Den the ball went out of play...
Hafiz takes the kick-in...
He puts the ball on the floor,look up n he tries....
The ball hit a defender n was deflected straight into the goalmouth....
Den,syed got the ball n he shoots...
Frm somewhere in the middle...
N it was also deflected into the goal....
Another goal...
Priiitttt x3!!!
The game ends.....

The final match....
Clementi vs Bukit Batok..
They were the hot favourites....
The home team has nvr lost any game so far...
So it was tough...
I started the game playing upfront...
The game was kinda fast...
To prevent from letting in any goals...
The defender clears the ball as soon as they get it...
The opponent defender kicks the ball out n we won a corner kick...
Hafiz takes it...
Defenders were all around me....
I had no choice but to run to the front of the goal...
Hafiz den saw me running without any defenders following n he kicked it to me..
The ball went straight to my feet n i easily taps the ball in...
I beat the bukit batok keeper...
The game goes on with us leading one-nil...
Den hafiz tries again n it went in pass the keeper...
We still had to keep playing....
Subtitutions takes place...
We were worn out....
N den,bukit batok scored in a goal...
But luck was on our side n the referee blows the whistle...
We beat bukit batok 2-1...

N there we have it...
Clementi team 2....
1 game loss..
1 draw...
2 wins...
N we got 3rd place....
3 cheers for the clementi kings...
Hip2 Hurray x3!!!!

.Sunday, September 03, 2006 ' 8:50 PM
Love your life and live your love

Ofa exam...
On Microsoft Acess....
Atleast its not tat bad....
Unlike Afd....
I cant even do a question....
I seriously need help in tat bloody subject......
Anyone HELP ME!!!!!!

Btw,today did nothing at home....
Juz went to play guitar with hasyim...
Ameer msged me...
But i received arnd one two hours later...
So did not go out with him..
Sorri bro...
Try find chords for phantom of the opera....
It was complicating....
But somehow...
We managed to find it...
There was alot of key modulation...
So had a hard time figuring it out....
But overall...
I believe we could jamm this song oredi....
ok...till here jek orite...
Till nxt time....

.Saturday, September 02, 2006 ' 9:47 AM
Love your life and live your love

This few days,nothing interesting reali happened in my life....
The performance with my band last thursday was ok...
N after tat,nutting much..

Time passed so fast now...
N finally i can get juu out of my head..
I dun wanna trouble her anymore n i want her to be happi with her life...

Like i've said before..
In life,there are always problems awaiting us...
After one problem is solved,
comes another...
Why must i face all this by myself??
I'm not strong enough...
But do i need a guardian angel to guide me thru??
I dunno...
Even if i do have a guardian angel,
i dun tink its helping me ryt now...

If u guys wanna noe wat my prob is...
I think i've fell for another gerl...
N she is also someone i've recently met...
Why cant i totally get rid of gerls out of my mind??...
At least for a few months or years....
Wats worst is the exams period has started....
N tat is another big problem i had to face...
I feel like taking the lift at KLCC to the highest floor n den jump down....
Wat do u guys think??


Freelance Guitarist
Single & Mingling :)



A New Electric Guitar
The Complete Gadget Set
Desperate need of a band (anyone interested)
More Shirts and Jeans
Admission to Polytechnic
Bike License FAST
CBR 150
And anything that u guys can think of,i need those