.Tuesday, October 24, 2006 ' 3:29 AM
Love your life and live your love
Hello ppl....
Well wadya noe...
Its alreadi the first day of Hari Raya...
So before i forget,i would like to wish all muslims
Here i am asking for forgiveness to whoever tat i noe....
Anyone at all...
No matter the young,old,boys n gerls....
Maaf kn la salah silap saye slame nie ye...
Finally ramadhan has gone...
I feel so sad leaving it....
Well,wat needs to go has to go..
Wats left is the future...
N we have to enjoy ourselves during this festive season....
Kk...Enuff of wishings...
So first things first...
I highlighted my hair....
Its not that striking but clear enuff to be seen...
Hahah!!I dunno if its nice or not...
But i juz wished i dun look like a golden monkey or a red haired baboon to anyone's eyes...
I don need comments if its not nice to you....
Im getting my pay soon.....
So whoever wants a treat juz give me a call...
Preferably single gals plz.....
If u wan my num ask frm me...
Juz kidding...
Tk dpt ah!!!!
N finally to these special group of frens..
I would like to wish them again personally...
To pog...
Ameer,Ayn,Aizat,Effy,Fana,Is,Lyn,Syak,Hafiz,Wani,Ilah,Anom & Ayu....
(Hope i didnt left anyone out...)
To tbc...
To Ensisventine..
Ayn (ariyan)..
If u guys are reading this....
Saye nk mintk maaf sekali lag..
Pape sala silap...
Tlg ampunkn...
camat ari raye!!!
.Friday, October 20, 2006 ' 2:13 AM
Love your life and live your love
Hello ppl..
B4 i go on i wanted to say sori bcoz im feeling like blogging in english + malay today...
So to those who could not understand...
Minta maaf byk2..(sorry)..
So,tad kt skola satu2 mcm org giler..
Ketawe2 making fun of ppl...
there is this preview of mr n miss ite finalist during break...
There were performances n stuffs...
The worst part of the show was bile abong2 dari bedok ite start to dance...
The group consists of a gal n two "guys''...
N the way they dance...
Ya rabbana....
Boleh batal puase aku ari ni tgk diorg joget....
Aku rase tgk yg pompuan tu joget pon maseh bleh slamat kn pahala puase aku...
Ni tgk bapok2 joget??!!!!
Tkleh angkat...
Da la babat terburai....
Tk senonoh btol!!
So after that performance went to klass....
N during PIE klass i couldnt stop laughing....
There is this gal who danced with the abongs walked passed us..
She wore a very tight pants n we were like omg!!!
We were talking bout her n some pretty gals when out of a sudden maya pon muncul...
Bdn da mcm daging...N she was wearing a very short skirt...
N aizat was making damn hilarious jokes out of her....
I was laughing my hearts out...
He described her as a walking butcher shop..
So sape2 nk beli daging atau ayam utk raye jumpe dier ye...
N to add to the joke...
We coupled up the abong n maya...
That would be the most biggest disaster that can happened...
So till here je la my entry for today...
Ngumpat byk2 kurang pahala puase aku...
Tk psl2 nnti kene rembat ngn abong2...
Till nxt time peeps...
.Wednesday, October 18, 2006 ' 11:46 PM
Love your life and live your love
Hola....Guess wat..
Now the peeps keep calling me the weather man...
juz bcoz i keep updating bout the haze...
N wats more..
They think i can be a reporter..
Wat crap..
Being a reporter is cool..
Its a fun job but nah....
I dun have that passion..
My passion lies in music n how i wished i could be a true musician one day..
That has been my dream since the first time i know about music...
its not juz about listening n appreaciating it...
There are more to it...
To be a musician iznt easy..
I'll juz have to werk hard for it...
N i realli2 wanna master the guitar...
I noe its a damn common instrument...
But not everyone who plays guitar can create magic out of it..
I wanna be the one who does...
I dun wanna juz strum chords...
I wanna play solos juz by putting my fingers on the fretboard...
I guess first i'll juz need to get my electric guitar n practice hard...
Went to break fast at lau pa sat with the p.o.g....
What hell did we make throughout the entire trip..
Laughing out loud like mad ppl in the heart of the cbd..
Hahah!!!But thats the thing i miss most...
Being crazy with them juz makes me belonged??..
Hmm..Is that the right werd to describe it??..
Hahaha!!!Belonged to the Mental Health Institution i guess...
Rock on pog...
.Tuesday, October 17, 2006 ' 1:09 AM
Love your life and live your love
Yeah...So here i go again talking bout current affairs...
Those who dont like me talking bout this plz bear...
The world has been invaded by health problems nowadays...
Many has been reported sick in spore due to haze...
It has become frm bad to disasterous...
The PSI reaches bout 130+ juz now in the night...
N the cloud is damn foggy...
There are also bird flu cases reported in indonesia which kills a certain no of ppl there...
Not onli that..To add to the sufferings..
India has been attacked by dengue fever...
What is to become of the werld now??...
Israeli president Moshe Katsav has been charged for raping n molesting young gerls....
Wtf is he thinking??...
Is he a pervert??..or juz plain stupid??...
Well,wat to do...
Go to hell with those jews!!!
Hail Hitler!!ahaha!!...
So i guess thats it for current affairs news updates....
Now about what i did today...
So today ferst day of skool...
Did nothing juz debrief on wat we r spose to study for the new term....
N den aft skool went to bras basah to check the guitars...
Ameer wanted to buy an acoustic but short of a few dollars..
So plan cancelled n they went home straight...
I n hasyim went to cwp n break fast with syed...
Den i bought a nice black kemeja...(ckp english ape ah??)
It was kinda cheap..
Onli $23...
Cant wait for hari raya...
So till nxt time peeps.....
.Monday, October 16, 2006 ' 3:38 AM
Love your life and live your love
These are the things that im craving for lately.....

My very own electric guitar....

Guitar amplifier....

An MP3 player...

New pair of street soccer boots...

N a new handphone...
I cant wait to get all this after receiving my pay n after hari raya....
Especially the electric guitar...
Arghh!!!!I've waited so long for that....
.Sunday, October 15, 2006 ' 3:17 AM
Love your life and live your love
Tmr skool....
K,lets not talk bout it...
So juz now werk frm 5pm till closing...
Reached hm bout 2.20am...
When i alight frm the cab..
I scanned the area searching for anything suspicious...
Be it human or not....
Coz i wanted to hear the eerie laughter that i heard last week again...
Juz to make sure its not anyone pulling tricks...
I am weird....Am i??..
So this time round heard nothing...
Juz gust of cool night wind against my face..
So reached home safely n here i am..
Blogging in the middle of the night....
Am i crazy or wat..
But believe me i've not been sleeping at night for the past one week or so...
Am i turning into a nocturnal creature??
.Saturday, October 14, 2006 ' 2:00 AM
Love your life and live your love
Went to geylang the 2nd time this week...
Once with my frens...
Juz nw went there with my mom n sis...
I prefer goin with my mom n sis coz can get to buy a lot of things..
But wat i dun like bout goin there with my mum is i cant get to see the gals there..
Tgk pon kene jage2...
But well,all the gals there....Haiz...
Ya rabbana...
Minah repz...
What to do??...
Its the year 2006 beb...
Its one more day b4 school finally opens...
For real....
Somebody help me...
Another year of sufferings...
Cant stand it....
I wanna end this fast...
Nxt..I envy my fren's band..
Not tat i envy them in a way tat we are enemys...
We are frens but their band is good...
They sound like professionals...
N tats wat i envy them for...
They have a great lead guitarist....
Syazwan..My fren..
I juz cant play the guitar like him...
N how i wished i could play like him...
So to coventide...
If ure reading this..
I hope our band n urs could werk together..
N provide help for us as a new n young band....
.Friday, October 13, 2006 ' 4:19 AM
Love your life and live your love
Google has recently bought YouTube for US$1.65 billion (S$2.6b)..
N wat big mistake google had done....
Since YouTube hosted copyrighted content,Google is likely to be charged in court...
Even by itself,YouTube is vulnerable for sue but its company is small n its using watever cash it has left..
But now that google has bought the company,the content owners would be sueing for its cash...
Its capital itself is US$129b....
Now,google is trying hard to solve this prob..
Ive juz composed a new song....
Not complete yet..
Still need the verse n chorus...
But i already got the idea of how the song shuld go..
I love the intro...
The lead part sounds nice...
Im not boasting or watsoever but its juz my opinion...
I also need lyrics...
N i dunno how to write metal lyrics...
Can someone provide me some lyrics??..
Im getting my electric guitar real soon after i receive my pay on the 24th october which is the ferst day of hari raya....
I would be the most happiest man if i get that dream guitar of mine...
N i oso need a tutor who can coach me...
I realli wanna be a gd guitarist...
Tats wat im hoping for all my life...
I wanna run my fingers across the fretboard like a pro...
Playing fast solos...
I juz cant do it..
I need someome to coach me...
Can anyone??..Plz...
.Thursday, October 12, 2006 ' 3:41 AM
Love your life and live your love
The haze has becomed bad again....
It was ok for the moment but now it's worst....
I was playing soccer arnd 9 pm n i can barely see the opposite flat....
The thick fog could be seen clearly under the lamposts along the streets....
Its tat bad ppl...
N many ppl are reported sick these few days....
So my beloved frens....
I dun wanna u ppl to get sick so stay indoors yar....
Also to ensis can start to session indoors also??..
I agree with idris n yan its damn irritating to session outdoors with all ur eyes watery n lungs blocked....
Skool starts exactly four more days....
On Mon,16th october ...
I dun even noe wat to bring..
N wat time to report....
Can someone update me bout this plz.....
I realli dunno anything....
Hari raya falls on the 24th october which is eight days after skool reopens....
How to celebrate??...
So does tat means we onli got holidays during the eve n the day itself??...
I wanna celebrate..Go out with my frens...
The pog..
My pri skool frens which i recently unites them...
N my new-made frens if possible....
U shud noe who ryt since u dun like ur name being mentioned again n again..
Can ryt??...hahah..
N we onli got one month to celebrate it..
Wah..so short sey....
Juz wait n see if we can go out together la...
I didnt even buy my baju kurung yet...
Im afraid all the nice ones are sold out....
Looks like this year im not celebrating
AGAIN!!!Last year was due to my 'o' levels period....
N now this..
.Tuesday, October 10, 2006 ' 3:10 AM
Love your life and live your love
Damn..I cant sleep these few days...
Its so darn hot..
Even after switching my fan to the fullest speed...
I guess it must be bcoz of the bad haze nowadays...
Too bad can do nothing but to endure...
N i would like to say thank you to a very special fren...
Nurul ai'in...aka ayn or ariyan...
(i oso dunno y she calls herself tat)..
Thx so much for helping...
N u'll noe who she is soon...
But dun be shocked...
.Sunday, October 08, 2006 ' 12:00 PM
Love your life and live your love
Hello peeps!!
today's news frm me...
Spore's psi has increased frm 80+ to nearly 150...
Tats very bad..
If it reaches higher...
Sporeans could suffer major health probs...
This thick haze was caused by the fires n burnings frm indonesia...
So ppl..
Do not stay outside for too long if u do not want ur health to be affected...
Take good care of urselfs k...
Yesterday i was werking frm 3pm to arnd 2am..
Tats 11 hrs of werk...
One more hour to half a day...
There were onli the four of us as we waited for the company cab..
Reached my block arnd 2.30..
N guess wat...
When i was walking towards the lift..
I heard someone mengilai (eerie laughter) on the opposite block...
I searched where the source of the laughter was..
But i saw no one...
It was very loud...
The weird thing is,i did not feel scared or terrified...
Instead i was curious n wanted to noe where it came frm...
The laughter was repeated arnd four to five times..
While waiting for the lift to reach the ferst floor...
I scanned the whole area hoping to find the source..
But no sign at all...
The strange thing is when i get out of the lift after i reahed my lift landing..
The laughter disappeared...
If i were to say its a "pontianak" laughter..
This month is ramadhan...
This is the month where its believed tat all the ghost n devils being locked up in hell....
So wat can it be??..
coz if i were to say its human...
No human can laugh as eerie as tat...
N i can tell its not human...
Dunno la...
So to the ghost...
If ure reading this...
Up to u la as long as ure hapi...
Im not scared....
Ceh...ckp besar ehk...
Till nxt time...
.Saturday, October 07, 2006 ' 12:16 PM
Love your life and live your love
Today is alreadi the 14th of ramadhan...
Two weeks have passed in juz a wink of an eye...
So fast...
Did not even feel like im fasting...
N its one more week to the start of a new skool term...
I did not even get to enjoy my holidaes....
Pluz my exams results were also not satisfying...
I feel like quitting my course..
Someone plz help!!!!
Den,one week after tat...
Hari raya aidilfitri...
Hey is there any one week break for hari raya or something??...
my sorethroat is becoming frm bad to worse..
First juz feel pain down my throat..
Now its becoming seriuz n im afraid i might loose my voice in one or two days time....
This muz be the effect of not having sufficient water...
N due to the hot weather nowadays...
Now i cant drink cold or soft drinks till my throat clears back...
I hate drinking warm water...
So for now...
Hasta la vista baby....
Till nxt time...
.Thursday, October 05, 2006 ' 1:09 AM
Love your life and live your love
Ermm...Yest was up the whole night till arnd 8 am..
Den had to wake up again at 9 pluz to go to my werkplace...
Not bcoz im werking...
But had to rush there to return the storeroom key which i accidentally brought home the other nite..
If not,they cannot run the counter without taking the stocks frm the storeroom...
Den went back home n did nothing but pluck the guitar..
For almost how many hours i dunno....
Den at 5 go out n meet ensisventine...
Waited for everyone to arrive n off to chong pang,yishun....
There,waited for lizzie...
After she arrived,go settled at a nearby foodcourt first as it was nearly time for break fast...
Idris joined us later as he had to break fast at home...
Its ok..
After our delicious meal...
Its time to jamm!!
But was not sure of which jamming studio to go..
Rhythm masala was the usual jamming place for us..
But the other one,Lee music studio..
We had never tried b4...
N today was the first n most probably the last day we would ever step into that jamming studio animore...
Frankly,the jamming room sux...
Its was so small tat we had to cram all 6 members together..
Pluz,the service also suck!!!big time!!
The auntie was like "ayo!why like this n tat...nxt time muz not do like this.." kinda attitude....
The son,about 10 or 12 was extremely rude....
I feel like slapping him hard on the face..
So to those jammers out there who read this...
Do not...I repeat...
DO NOT go to Lee jamming studio animore...
Boycott them...
Wah,so evil huh??..
.Wednesday, October 04, 2006 ' 6:58 AM
Love your life and live your love
Im juz posting again coz got nothing to do..
Didnt sleep the whole night...
Come back frm werk yest arnd 11 pluz..
Up to now my eyes are still wide open..
eat a lil bit for sahur juz now...
N back to my lappy....
The whole night i stay awake thinking of my problems...
How do i solve this kinda problem...
I dunno...
Onli god noes...
Luckily i got frens like hasyim n ariyan...
Who's willing to lend their big elephant ears to listen to my prob...
I dunno wat would i have done without them n their wise advices...
Thank u guys for being such wonderful frenz...
Especially to ariyan...
Eventhough i've known u for onli a few mnths...
It seems tat we've been best frens for long....
I reali treasure the frenship tat u gave me....
Thx once again...
How i wish u could be my closest fren....
So tat u'll be there whenever i need u...
N yar...
Sori for not being serious all the time...
But u wuldnt like it if i get too serious...
Truz me...
Juz ask my classmates....
They noe how i look like when i'm serious...
They say i got tat 'shuddup look'...
. ' 1:27 AM
Love your life and live your love
I'm feeling so fucked up ryt now...
I dunno whether i'm sad,angry,dissapointed or wat....
All my feelings are jumbled up...
How i wish i could reali jump out from the top level of KLCC....
or run into the middle of a bz expressway..
But no..
Life muz go on...
Why does love always have to have a sad ending??...
Why izit i cant get love the easy way??..
Wonders n joys were filling the air for the moment n den came crushing down to earth....
Does it make sense if i say that loves are juz like shares....
Sometimes it goes up...
N sometimes it goes down...
I agree tat love is blind...
But when u open ur eyes,tats the time where u regret falling in love...
Why do ppl fall in love if wat it does is hurt the feelings in the end??..
Somebody plz help me...
I'm in the middle of a big problem...
N i cant solve it....
Juz when i tot tat i can reali love someone...
Probs occured...
N its a reali big one...
But i cant let her go...
Im not strong enuff..
I cant bear to look at her crying....
But still,someone once said to me...
"Its ok to see others cry to make them realise their mistake,
than to see u urself crying not knowing ur mistake"...
Today i've learnt something new...
Girls are hypocrytes...
Not all but most...
So stop saying tat onli guys cannot be trusted...
But girls too...
So to gerls out there who are nice onli on the outside but sux inside...
Rot in hell...
U're a gerl..
Nothing more than a weak soul...
Fuck off!!!
(This is
not meant for all gerls...so dun get me wrong...)
.Monday, October 02, 2006 ' 1:04 AM
Love your life and live your love
Wtf man...
First it was idris...
Now its me....
I got a sorethroat...
But luckily not tat serious...
Juz feel pain down my throat...
My voice is still there...
In addition to this...
I also suffered from flu....
I dunno how many pieces of tissue has been usen up juz by me..
Whats happening man??!!...
Everyone is getting sick these few days....
Yesterday,1 oct was tbc's first annivesary...
All the best...
May we last long..
Later gonna celebrate...
But,idris cannot come...
Have to paint house...
Syed,not confirmed yet...
N i am totally broke...
If u ask me how much i got with me ryt now...
I can proudly say tat i have only 10 cents in my wallet....
Celebrating the first annivesary with onli 10 cents n minus two members??...
I dun think its a good idea...
How about some other days?....
I cant receive my first pay bcoz i started werk in the middle of the month...
Looks like im gonna celebrate hari raya without any bucks...
How to buy baju kurong,shoes n stuffs??....
N it seems tat my electric guitar have to wait longer....
The one i'm aiming for cost arnd $280-$300...
Anyone out there kind enuff to buy me one?...
So,till next time....
.Sunday, October 01, 2006 ' 12:35 AM
Love your life and live your love
Hey ppl...
Today did nothing interesting as usual...
Juz went to session with yan,hasyim n idris....
Learnt a new song called moondance by nightwish...
Its a nice gothic metal song...
Den went to sembawang sun plaza to break fast at cavana....
It seems like everyday im breaking fast outside...
My cash is running out like the tap water...
Yesterday was at bugis...
An eating place called tong seng...
But yesterday was diff...
I went there with a gal...
Juz the two of us...
Today was with my usual crazy frens syed n hasyim...
After eating,went to sembawang shopping centre for nothing...
Juz a waste of time...
Den walk n walk till we reached bungalow houses...
U noe how bungalows are built near each other with the dark empty roads n lanes...
It was kinda creepy..
But these three crazy fella are afraid of nothing except one thing.....
We were surrounded by houses guarded by dogs..
The most timid one was of course syed who had fobia with them a few years back....
There,we met all kinds of dogs..
Whenever we passed outside the gates,they would come running n barked loudly like mad dogs...
This was still not tat frightening...
There was this one house tat we passed by where a dog as big as a wolf was guarding...
It was standing tall n majesticly staring at us...
Unlike the other dogs,this one was walking slow n steady towards us...
This made us turn back...
Whats worst is the gate is so short tat it could juz jump n chase us...
But luckily it did not happen...
It was an experience...
I guess tats all for now...
Till here...