.Sunday, November 26, 2006 ' 11:26 PM
Love your life and live your love
My last few entries was filled by pics n nt much words were used...
So today,im gonna blog with no pics...
Had guitar lesson with Syazwan,Coventide's lead vocals/guitarist...
He is a very nice guy...
Helps me alot..
N i dunno how i could pay him back...
So today learnt quite a lot...
Different ways of picking metal rhytms...
The right way to do pinch harmonic...
N of course tapping...
well,not that tat gd yet..
But ppl says practice makes perfect..
So im gonna practice n practice till my skills are perfect...
N syazwan had also asked me if i could be Coventide's 2nd guitarist for their sessions n jamms...
I would be very honoured to do so..
So i need to juz practice...
But to Ensisventine..
Not to worry..
Im still with u guys...
Rock On!!!! \\m//
. ' 12:45 AM
Love your life and live your love
Vivo city....

.Thursday, November 23, 2006 ' 11:15 PM
Love your life and live your love
This entry would not be wordy as usual but it will be filled up with pics...
So enjoy the pics....

The brotherhood w/o Fana??...

No!!!Dun jump...

When pog goes wild...

Step cute jek Aizat...haha..

4 bros..

Hafiz n me..

Party Orang Giler...


Thats me...
Signing off!!!...
.Tuesday, November 21, 2006 ' 1:15 AM
Love your life and live your love
So this are the pics we took after the group discussion....

Ameer,Fana,Is....3 crazy frens..
pluz the cameramen..Me!!

Ameer Hassaan.Yazid...
Like father like son...

Ameer n Is wan a lift??..haha..


Drug trafficking??...

Me n Is nga feeling...

Cleaning in progress??..
Since when did i became Aizat??.

Niwae Fana,I cant get the pic of my butt....haha..
I wan tat pic....hehe...
.Monday, November 20, 2006 ' 11:18 PM
Love your life and live your love
Oh my God!!!
Im feeling very happi today...
I also dunno why...
Izit bcoz i seated beside Diyana Halik n actualli chated with her...LIVE!!!
Yes ppl...
Wat ure seeing here is true...
I seated beside DIYANA HALIK,
Aaron Aziz's wife....hehee..
Had a long chat with her bout business...
N wow!!!
Her fragrance actualli melted me...
Oh my God!!!
Some body plz save me..
I can still smell her...
If onli she iznt married...
Damn it!! She's damn cute...
Lucky him...
Well,actualli my group members met up with her n Anabelle, Sheikh Haikel's wife..
To discuss bout our project coz the Triqnaqi Productions are spose to be our speakers for our event..
So,we actualli arranged a meeting with them...
I still cant believe it..
We may be meeting them again...
I cant wait..
I'll make sure i dun get flu or blocked nose on tat day..
I can smell Diyana all day...
Oops!!!Im not pervert ok...
She's juz cute..
So we were asked by them to actuali werk out real business plans to help them with their productions...
It means if this happens we are already considered members of the triqnaqi production...
Im so honoured...
So after the meeting went window shopping with the group...
Ameer,Fana n Is...
As usual,we were camwhoring..
Well,what can i say..
The camera is starting to love me...
After that we were spose to go home..
But Ameer,came over to causeway point as he doenst wanna go home early...
So there,we chatted at mcdonalds n shared alot of things...
All our "dirty lil secrets"....
Then i shared with him a joke tat makes him laugh non stop all the way to the mrt station..
I dunno why he finds it so funny...
Its a racist joke,so im sori ive deleted the post..
N Ameer laughed all the way to the mrt station from the cwp building..
NIwaes,someone help me plz!!!
I can still smell Diyana...
Till here...
Peace out...
.Saturday, November 18, 2006 ' 12:25 PM
Love your life and live your love
Here are some of the pics of Ensisventine performing on stage...

Yan,our bassist...

Doing our intro...


Tats me...On the solo..Haha!!

Our drummer,Idris..

All the pics are taken thanks to zack...
Anyone can comment on the pics..haha!!
.Friday, November 17, 2006 ' 12:32 AM
Love your life and live your love
Let me see...
its been more than a week since i last updated...
Wow!!!Tats a long time...
My blog fans must have been suffering to read my nxt update...
So here i go..
There are quite a number of events that happened in my life the past one week...
So gotta talk alot..
Bear ppl....
So,for the last case that happened between my two frens...
I dun wanna talk bout it anymore..
I guessed its settled..
So hoping not to hear anything more bout it..
even if i do,i dun wanna interupt...
Ur problems,u settle...
even trying to help will get me into trouble with some unhappi parties...
So better shut my gap!!...
The modelling contest was magnificent...
held at the expo,the whole SD class went there to support..
there were also some BIT students..
So our four models did not win the first prize although we got a very talented designer to help with the designs...
The credits goes to effy....
Merit was gd enuff....
Ameer's face even came out in the news...
But guess wat!!
Onli for not more than 3 secs....
Tu pon bangge....
But niwae congrats to the four models....
Ameer Hassaan, Is Hairulnizam, Nur Syafiqah, Norrainiza...
So wat else??...
Oh yea!!!
Been practising hard for the performance...
But ended up as usual...
A pathetic one....
I swear nvr to perform in ite clementi ever again....
The crowd juz sux to the core...
The whole multi-purpose hall was occupied with onli 20-30 ppl...
N that also includes the other performers....
Where are the rest of the students??...
N the organizer,u suck!!!
First of all,Ite clementi is a business school...
N Event Managing is nothing new to them...
But look at how they manage the event...
Total piece of CRAP!!
If u cant handle,nxt time give the job to me la....
I can manage better...
I think...
I've been making more frens the past few days....
N wooohhooo!!
Most of them are girls...
Sounds like a playboy??..
Im a guy for goodness sake..
Which guy doesn like gals...
But for ameer's case is special..
he's a half-breed..
So we got nutting to say bout tat...
But among the gals i noe..
One manage to capture me...
So nw,trying to capture her back...
But oh well,
Girls will always be gals...
Lots of excuses..
So how ppl??...
I've updated..
Not long enuff??..
Wait for the next one....
I've got a whole saga tat i can talk bout..
But for now...
Till here la ye....
.Wednesday, November 08, 2006 ' 2:48 AM
Love your life and live your love
So today i would like to blog about a particular someone....
N im sori if this would be harsh....
So anyone who is below 16 not allowed to read...(NC16)...
So to this someone...(name will not be given to protect other's id...)
Do u noe tat u have been a burden to us all??!!...
Stop ur crap la....
Wat is wrong with u actuali??..
Are u sick or something??...
I dunno la if ure reading this or not...but my fren here is suffering bcoz of u...
U noe tat??...
Stop pestering him...
tats the word....
Ure juz like a PEST...
do u realize tat??...
U wan him all for urself....
wat selfish human are u....
U even scolded him for msging his own bros...
Wats up with u n him??...
No one in this werld claims him/herself a bestfren..
It comes naturally...
So wat planet are u frm??...
Planet of the apes??...
So if u happened to read this i juz wan u to wake up from dreamland...
I noe this is kinda harsh but ppl,someone need to do something bout this...
But still,u need to do it urself bro...Its in ur hands...
Btw,anyone who thinks what im doing is wrong n watever shit...
U can always click the x button...
This is my blog..So i'll do watever i wan here...
Unlike some....
Calling themselves blogger but prevent everyone frm gaining access to their blogs....
Go buy urself a journal la beb...
Diary ke...tat wuld be better....
So till here....
.Monday, November 06, 2006 ' 11:30 PM
Love your life and live your love
Here are some pics taken from p.o.g blog...
shoot during hari raya outing....

At is's house...


A family potrait....

A crazy family....

Hey!!wat r u trying to do with my butt fana??...

.Friday, November 03, 2006 ' 1:07 AM
Love your life and live your love
Assalamualikum semue!!!
First of all,i would like to say sorry to my blog fan...
coz i've not been updating for like so long..
So,to my fans,sori....
Feeling ah aku....
So,since my long absent..
many things occured in my life...
First things first...
I got my electric guitar...
Only god noes how hapi i am after getting that dream of mine...
N also i bought an mp3....
Well,wat can i say...
Nga raye ni pocket loaded jek....
N yar..i used up all my salary on my guitar...
Sori gals...
But i dun care...
Im satisfied...
So tmr jln raye with pog...
Cant wait...
its gonna be a disaster when we get together for one whole day...
Havocs everywhere....
N im sure of that...
Hmm...I think human craves are never enuff....
After u got wat u wanted,u wants another...
n im suferring frm tat nw....
Guess wat....
Nw im wishing for a bass guitar....
eventhough im not the bassist im thinking of getting one..
I dunno..
I juz think that its easy if u got ur instruments...
First of all,no need to lend frm others...
So do u guys think i should get a bass??....
N tats not the only thing...
Im oso thinking of chipping in for idris's double paddle...
Hmm..should i?...
well,i think i will if i got the money...
But kalau tkde jgn mara ehk idris....
So juz wait till i get my nxt pay..
Aniwae im werking juz to buy these instruments...
So i think i will get them somehow....
So till here peeps...
i cant wait for tmr....
A disaster awaits...
History shall be created....
As the pog goes raye together.....