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.Sunday, December 31, 2006 ' 1:43 AM
Love your life and live your love

Allahuakhbar walillah ilham...
Wishing every muslims on earth selamat hari raya aidiladha...
Nothing to write realli..
Juz updated pog's blog..
So go n read up everyone..
Im juz bored..

Ensisventine has left with only 3 members..
As hasyim the vocalist has volunteered to withdraw as he has his reasons..
I wish him all the best..
N yea..
This is the logo i designed for my band..

How is it??....
Not nice??..
Shut up...
I need comments not critics...

Till nxt time...

.Friday, December 29, 2006 ' 4:25 PM
Love your life and live your love

Alot of stuffs have been happening lately..
N yea,yesterday was my first jamm with coventide..
It was great..
Coventide's "dungeon" is at Lee Music Studio..
The studio where they always jamm..
So,i was confirmed as their 2nd guitarist...
Well,the studio is great pushing aside the attitude of the person there..
Mr Lee's son was damn rude seriously..
I feel like hitting his head with my guitar..
But consider urself lucky i love my guitar..
If not ur head would have been blown away...

Skool is starting next two weeks..
I cant wait to go back to skul..
Can also get to see the new batch of students..
Sitting at home almost everyday can kill me..
If wanna go out also no money...
So how??..
Rot at home la..

Been having problems with sleeping lately..
Maybe bcoz of those problems la..
Ntah la..
Juz let time decides everything..
N i didnt sleep the whole night yesterday...
Watched tv up to 1.30..
Den i did some practice on my guitar from 1.30am to arnd 6am..
4 1/2 hours on the guitar..
Hope to improve..
Den went downstairs to buy breakfast,n watched cd..
At 9,played soccer with my frenz till 12..
Washed up went fri prayers then went home straight..
No mood to lepak2..
No one to lepak with aniwae...
N now here i am blogging..
Didnt sleep for one whole night...
Who can beat tat??..
N later at 7.30pm another round of soccer...
This time i guess we'd be playing with those mat reps...

.Saturday, December 23, 2006 ' 11:12 PM
Love your life and live your love

One week of holidays have passed..
N im dead bored doing nothing at home..
Besides goin out with my braders the other day...
Luck have not been on my side lately..
My cash is running out and my money in atm is flowing like water...
I desperately need a job soon to improve my finance..
Now everything is different..
I need alot of money..
Its not that im a big spender or anything..
But it seems like everywhere i go need to have ready cash...
Anyone can offer me a job??...
But still...
Im choosy over the pay...
Well,thats because ive werked in 3 diff places where the pay is only $3.50/hr...
During holidays,if i werk almost everyday,i get onli about $400 a month..
Tat means when my hols are over i make like what...
$50 per month??!!!....
Arghhh!!Forget it!!...
Im not taking any job that pays me lesser than $5/hr..
Im pissed....

So,not been goin out coz my allowances are becoming extinct...
N monday im fetching hasyim back frm the airport with the pog...
He's been in India for more than 2 weeks already...
Well..I muz admit i missed him...
Ok..I noe wats goin thru ur mind ryt nw...
Hello!!Im not gay ok...
Juz miss his craps n all..
He's the closest fren that i ever had..
N so far a very gd fren...
Has never influenced me to do the bad stuffs...
Easy to say..
I am what i am today is because of him..
He may not be the "in" type of frens anyone wish to have...
But he's the greatest fren anyone could appreciate..
N i guess im lucky to have been his fren....
I guess i stop here before i turned into a gay...

Tuesday i might be jamming with Coventide...
Will be my first ever jamming session with them...
But oh well...
Jamming = $$$....
Where the hell am i spose to dig that money from...
Im broke..
Can i not pay for this session??...
But dun worri,i'll try my best...
C ya guys...

Till here peeps...

.Monday, December 18, 2006 ' 12:15 AM
Love your life and live your love

Sat at home doin nothing the whole day..
Was spose to have guitar session with syazwan...
Bt he was busy..
So i guess hav to practice more n wait till nxt week..
It took me arnd 4 days to actualli play one of coventide's cover songs...
Sorrowful farewell..
Its a nice song..
N not tat hard..
Still ok..
Their originals i guess have to take a longer time...
Muz practice harder..

I dunno where i stand with my limited guitar skills..
Ppl say i improved alot frm where ive started..
Of course everyone improve..
But i dun think i improved that much..
its been two years since ive first learnt guitar...
I noe nothing bout music den..
But it was hasyim who intoduce me to the other side of life where music is everything...
I get to noe music onli at the age of 15..
Unlike mozart who composes a masterpiece at the age of 5...
Nw tats pure talent..

I wanna learn more guitar techniques..
BUt i guess it will take me some more years...
Hw i wish i could achieve my dreamz of becoming a professional metal guitarist...
N i wont give up no matter wat..
I'll take watever help i can get to achieve tat dream..
So ppl,help me make my dream come true..

.Friday, December 15, 2006 ' 10:21 PM
Love your life and live your love

Im blogging again but this entry might be abit too emo..
Sori for those who dun like emo-shits n stuffs..
But this is my life..
I write watever i want here..
If u dun like it,f**k off...

I dunno wat im feeling ryt nw..
All in one..
Why is this happening to me??..
I dunno...

Why do i keep thinking of her??..
Am i crazy??...
Or is this wat ppl called love??..
Call me watever u want..
But i cant forget her...
Whenever im sad,alone...
Her face appears in my mind...
N tat makes me even sadder...
I feel afraid..
N at the same time,happy...
Wat is this feeling called??...
I dunno...

I cant get rid of her in my mind...
The more i wanna forget her..
The more i think of her..
N the closer she became...
So close that she became a part of me..
But how do i get rid of something that is already a part of me??..
I dunno...

Ive never felt like this in my life...
For the past few years,ive been suffering..
Suffeing till there is no energy left..
Im weak..
I cant fight...
But i muz..
I dunno...

Life has never been fair to me...
It has never been n never will...
It juz sux..
Sometimes i juz wished hw i could end my life..
Not trying to be a saddist or anything..
But i reali cant take it anymore...
Problems seemed to be mounting over my head...
I juz need to be away frm ppl for sometimes...
A place far way..
But where??..
I dunno...


. ' 12:24 PM
Love your life and live your love

So here i am in skool..
Can u believe it??..
Only 7 malays are present in skul..
Me,Aizat,Is,Syak,Lin,Ilah and Anom...
Including Eric,its 8..
Ok2..Eric is a chinese..
But he mix with us so much tat u wont noe he's a chinese...

Niwaes,this is the last lesson before holidays officialy start..
I cant wait to werk...
N hafiz promised us a job at the airport..
Fantastic pay..
But oh well,no news of it yet...
Looking forward to it..
3 weeks of holidays at home would be so boring if i do not get a job..
N seriously,i need cash badly..
My cash at bank n cash on hand is running reali fast like an athlete in doha asian games..

Lately,Ensisventine have not been sessioning or jamming..
Maybe its bcoz,hasyim is not in spore currently...
Still in India..
But still guys,we need to practice..
To much rest would make us slack..
N wat bout the orientation performance at simei/nyp??...
Izit still on??..

My attachment with coventide would be a great experience for me..
I juz got their tabs n im honoured tat im the first ever to get it..
But their songs are much more faster n harder..
I need to practice alot to play together with them..
N i also cant wait to perform with them early nxt year...
Tu pon kalau jad la me being their 2nd guitarist...

.Thursday, December 14, 2006 ' 9:59 PM
Love your life and live your love

Hello..Went to Bintan for a day trip with my classmates yesterday...
As usual..Im lazy to talk bout it,let the pics speak...

We braders are always cool...Pic w/o Is...

This little heaven costs me S$7...
But its heaven...Who cares..

Welcome to Bintan Mangrove..


3 emo ppl??..Nah..Tk dpt ah..

My kindest,coolest,nicest,darkest bro..N me..

At the immigration entrance..

Spore's next top model??..

Do..Re..Mi..3 org belo..

Wanna go ride with me??..

Well,im tired of saying this again n again...BUt once again..Thx Is..
For my fantastic pics..hahahaha!!!!
Bile nk gi batam plak??..

.Saturday, December 09, 2006 ' 4:30 PM
Love your life and live your love

Yesterday had a great day after eating at seoul garden...
Went to the airport to send hasyim off to india...
Put aside the words,let the pictures do the talking....

The man who went to India to represent Spore..

Eric N Me...

Muka satu2 stop it eh!!!

Bro Izam N Zid...

Iz,Sad,May N Me..

Enjoying myself...Hmphh..

Kami dari Jabatan Muis!!Mencegah maksiat...

Abong n his general....haha!!..

Thx Is for the great pics..Especially those with me in it...
Haha!! Feeling..
Looking forward to another outing with u guys....

Now thats me signing off.....

.Thursday, December 07, 2006 ' 8:30 PM
Love your life and live your love

One more day before we go out to eat at seoul garden...
But hmm..
Why is it not all goin??...
I mean why are the "sisterhood" not goin?...
Its not like everyday we hav an outing like this together....
So y not we go together?..
Sori if this "sisterhood", "brotherhood" have seperate the boys n gals apart...
But arent we the pog??...
Where have the usual crazy crew gone??..
Watever we are facing,we are still one big family ryt?..
Party Orang Gila..
I juz hope tat we could all gather together tomorrow...

. ' 1:07 AM
Love your life and live your love

Been awhile since i last posted..
Questions hav been asked to why am i not updating my blog...
Well,wat shud i blog about??...
Nothing interesting is happening to me lately...
Juz tat my bdae juz past a day ago..
N yea..
Im 17...

One more year to 18..
Onli den can i receive more freedom....
I guess...
Planning to take up motorbike license...
But well,as usual mum wuld always be the barricade...
Accidents la...
Illegal racing la...
But she lets me drive instead...
Tats good enuff..
But still i wanna ride a bike...

So this fri is goin out to eat at Taka Seoul garden..
An outing with the pog crew...
Disaster awaits!!!

One more week to go Bintan..
Goin with the whole class..
Cant wait..
Shopping n all...
But too bad,its a one day trip onli...
Unlike my geog field trip in sec 4...
I miss goin to sarawak...
Stayed there for 6 days..
N wat an experience...
Wish i could go there again...

Hasyim flying to India on Fri...
All the best..
Kirem salam sedare mare ye...
Hav a safe journey to n fro..

So thats all...
Nw u see why im not updating it regularly??...
Coz ive got nothing interesting to talk bout..
So till the next saga begins...


Freelance Guitarist
Single & Mingling :)



A New Electric Guitar
The Complete Gadget Set
Desperate need of a band (anyone interested)
More Shirts and Jeans
Admission to Polytechnic
Bike License FAST
CBR 150
And anything that u guys can think of,i need those