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.Tuesday, January 30, 2007 ' 10:57 PM
Love your life and live your love

My days have been so boring and damn busy that ive nothing to talk about la...
N ppl keep pestering me to update..
Well,still,it feels great to have blog fans..
I felt very important..
So yeah!!
My life has been occupied by projects and more projects to come..
EVM has passed and ETP is yet to be completed..
Im sorry to my group members if u guys think that ive not been doing anything...
I'll try my very best to do something for the group..

N Coventide is not able to perform for the Supernova band competition..
Juz bcoz all of us are frm diff schs...
U did not say the participants need to be in the same sch..
U onli said its open to all secondary,JCs and Centralised Institute students..
Its ok..
We still have another gig in July..
Looking forward to it...

Can anyone offer me a job plz??..
I need a job so badly..
I dun even have enuff cash on me ryt nw..
Hw will i survive with onli 8 bucks in my atm machine??...
I cant even top up my ppd...
Im gonna die soon..

N this is for my beloved taggers whom i did not reply at my tagboard...
Lazy ah..

To Hayati: Miz u??..I rather miz the monkeys..Haha..
To Quraisha: I tagged ur blog too....
To Aiiri: Hey there Frost..I shall arise as Flame the Lucifer is here..Haa..
To Ariyan: Hmm..Sape lupe kwn??..Da tk msg org,online pon
To Fizzy: Updated!!haa..
To Hudz: Linked..
To Hasyim: Linked..
To Is: Stop it ah ehk..haa..Updated!!
To Ika: Hmm..Anything juz giv ur new num la..Tknk kasi pon tk heran..Haha..Da tk contact dorg ah..

There u go..
All ur tags are replied..

Coventide Jamm..ME!!

.Monday, January 22, 2007 ' 11:06 PM
Love your life and live your love

Sori for not updating for so long...
Today's update would be filled with pics from my Event Management and the Youth Community Work that pog is involved with.
Thank god my event went well and it was also sucessful..
Thx everyone who prayed for the Freestylers...
So lets juz view the pics shall we??..

Freestylers - Lets take it to streets yaw..

After the event - refreshments..

The sponsored delicasies..

The emcee for the day..

The audiences..

Diyana and Anabelle - Triqnaqi

Four On One - The Breakers

They rehearsing- it was last min!!

Thank You for making it a sucess..

N after the wonderful event...Me, Ameer and Eric went to Lot 1 for a game of pool...

Me..taking a shot...

Master in pool..Sifu Eric..


Thats all folks!!

Now its the pics for the Youth Community Event at Vivo...


D-Generation X!!

Matt, Jeff and Lita??..

Happi Family..So whose the daddy??..haha..

Everyone feeling!!

If ya smellll...

If only it was after 9pm..Total darkness..

Son and Father??..

This is the graffiti we sprayed on the canvas..Proudly done by p.o.g...

Rock never dies!!

The signatures..

I wonder why everyone looked so fair..

Nice iznt it??..

Party Orang Giler....

.Sunday, January 14, 2007 ' 10:39 PM
Love your life and live your love

I was exhausted these few days..
My projects are driving me crazy..
Done my part for ETP n EVM...
Now only the designing part..
Why do i have to design??..
I thought after i leave my sec sch..
I dun wanna have anything to do with art anymore..
But i was wrong...
My drawing abilities are also fading..
God help me...

Have to plan my time wisely..

So yea...
Ensisventine has juz completed one song...
Song of War...
No lyrics yet..
Juz the song..
N for the first time im satisfied composing a song..
Coz this is my first sucessful song which lasts about 5 mins..
N unlike the structure of common metal songs..
This song is kinda progressive with different parts...
N with touches of pentatonic scalings of vikings n a lil javanese..
Hoping to record it soon..

.Tuesday, January 09, 2007 ' 10:38 PM
Love your life and live your love

Death Water
Water for the Dead
Don't Drink It!!
Went to cwp with amer to lepak2..
But ended up watching movie at cwp's cathay..
Death water...
The crappiest movie i've ever watched..
The storyline is juz crap..
The story has no ending..
Let me give u a summary of the whole movie..
About 4 or 5 person in Tokyo died juz by drinking water frm the tap..
It is believe that the tapwater is cursed causing ppl who drank it to hallucinate..
They tend to get more thirsty n this makes them see things..
Ghost n all..
They will finally stab their own eyes not bearing to see all those things before committing suicide...
Yea,thats about it..
One dies after another..
The story repeats..
N nobody found a solution to stop it frm spreading..
Iznt it juz crap??..
My advice to you ppl out there is,if u are gonna watch it so badly,get a vcd..
Watching at the theatre is not worth it...
It wasted my $6.50..

N yea..Today had my Event Management CA Test...
Did it so badly..
Should have studied harder..
Or should i say should have studied..
Coz im juz merely flipping the pages and not understanding anything...
Hoping for miracles to happen..
So that i can pass..

Ensisventine and Coventide gonna jamm together..
For 4 hours...
N me as the guitarist for both bands aren't gonna get any rest...
My hands n fingers would fly off by the end of the jamming session..

. ' 1:45 AM
Love your life and live your love

Ensisventine has created a new website..
The old blogspot is becoming childish n kinda crap..
So we have decided to scrap the blogspot n create a new more professional way to cast our spell..
Do visit Ensisventine at its new web at
N leave some comments..
The website is still going through some constructions though..

Btw,ive come out of some tittle for songs..
But,the songs not yet..
Wat u guys think of it??..

.Sunday, January 07, 2007 ' 11:03 PM
Love your life and live your love

Tmr is finally the first day of skool...
Here i come!!!!!

. ' 9:52 PM
Love your life and live your love


Which of these two do u choose??..


Most of us will definitely choose number one as we prefer to have items of better standard and quality..
But have u guys ever think that there is no much diff between these two options..
If u think that buying a cheap item of a lower quality will not last u for a long time..
Think again..
Have u ever think how much loss u realli made by buying tat item tat can last u long??.
Dun get wat i mean??..
I'll explain...
For example..
U buy a cheap shoe for about $20 per pair..
N u buy a branded shoe which can cost u up to $100 per pair..
The next min,u found that the cheaper shoes were torn..
U felt glad the branded pair u bought could last u longer..
But hav u guys think..
U can actualli buy 4 more pairs with the price of the branded shoes..
Even if u say tat the more expensive one would not wear that fast..
How confident are u that ur feet wuld not be growing in a few days time...
So its not wrong for me to say that Quantity/Quality has a better advantage...
Am i ryt??..
I didnt mean to insult anyone so whoever felt insulted i apologise..
This post is not meant for anyone..
I posted this generally..
No targeted person..
Peace.. llm

. ' 8:38 PM
Love your life and live your love

Does time realli plays a big role for a person to forget that special someone??..
I guess not..
Coz no matter how fast or slow time flies..
The feelings in one's heart would not fade away..
If u reali wanna forget tat someone..
Never look at him/her as ur past..
Tat'll never work..
Bcoz,ur past is ur memories..
N memories are not meant to be forgotten...
Look at them as a mistake uve done and learn frm it..

Tats an advice i gave to someone who is heartbroken..
Izit a gd advice??..
Or izit juz crap..
What do u guys think??..

. ' 12:59 AM
Love your life and live your love

Its 1am while im updating this..
Juz came back frm shopping with my mum n sis..
Not exactly shopping but juz to buy shoes for skul..
But before that had to follow mum to Geylang to buy something...
Oh God..
I hate that place..
Its like so hot there..
BUt had to bear or else i wont be getting any new shoes..
So after that went to peninsula to look at shoes..
Well,not realli much variety there but my real purpose going there was juz to survey on guitars' gadgets..
So to cover up not to let my mum knows my real purpose,bought a pair of shoes..
It was nice..
Black n red..
I got a Stratocaster Fender's black hooded jacket too..
I always wanted a hooded jacket..
Finally got one..
Thought of getting a "Famous" one..
But no smaller size..
Too bad..
After that,went to beach road to get my sis's shoes plak..
Coz she didnt buy anything at penin..
N yea..
The designs there are much more nicer..
N guess wat,i bought another pair there too...
Roughly the same colour but diff in the design..
So now got two pairs of shoes...
N glad i didnt buy those branded expensive shoes or else i cant get the other pair n the jacket..
Both pairs costs me only around $40+..
N im not so into branded stuffs too..
As long as its nice..
I'll grab it..
Till next time ppl..

.Thursday, January 04, 2007 ' 2:56 AM
Love your life and live your love

Im seriously rotting ryt now while posting this...
Its like 3 in the morning n my eyes are wide open...
Cant sleep..
N not being able to sleep for the past 3 days??..
Wats happening to me??..
Yesterday was even better..
Practiced my guitar for hours due to my sleeping problems...
Tat is exactly wat ive been doing for the past few days...
In the middle of the night...
I need rest..
How am i spose to attend lessons when skool reopens??..
I seriously need help..
I need to sleep...
Doctor...Help me!!!!

N yes...
These are some of the things im craving for,for the year 2007..

One of of any of these guitar effects pedals....

A new guitar bridge...

And a hardcase for my guitar....

Anyone can help me buy??...

.Wednesday, January 03, 2007 ' 4:53 PM
Love your life and live your love

Here i am blogging again..
Before i forget..
I'd like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year 2007...
May all of u be blessed with a blissful year ahead..
N yea..
The holidays are officially declared over...
Students go back to skool..
Workers go back to their offices...
N the town is once again filled with rush hours..
2006 has not been a very gd year..
But not a very bad one either...
Many things has happened..
BUt lets juz forget the past and look forward to a bright new year ahead...

So ITE will be starting in 5 days time..
N level students will be joining us this 8th jan...
Cant wait to go back to school..
Miss my crazy peeps..

Tmr,jamming session with coventide..
Ive learnt zodiac braved story n saved by the fire already..
But only half..
Not complete yet..
Ur songs are fast man..haha
Give me some more time yea..
N to ensisventine,when is our next session??..
Now that im being in two bands is time consuming..
I need to give my time for both but i dun mind..
As long as i could improve on my guitar skills i would bear..
Juz hoping to be a professional metal guitarist...

Rock on!!!!...


Freelance Guitarist
Single & Mingling :)



A New Electric Guitar
The Complete Gadget Set
Desperate need of a band (anyone interested)
More Shirts and Jeans
Admission to Polytechnic
Bike License FAST
CBR 150
And anything that u guys can think of,i need those