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.Sunday, February 25, 2007 ' 2:29 AM
Love your life and live your love

Today was juz crap..
The whole group was spose to go to ITE Simei for the NDP ambassador thingy.
But only three turn up...
Ameer,Aizat and me..
The whole thing was actualli planned a week ago tat after the event we were spose to watch movie and go to esplanade...
Den wat happened??..
Moral of the story: Never plan an outing!!It will never work..

So after tat the 3 of us met Eric,Syak,Lynn and Firaj at Tanah Merah..
Syak and Lynn went for the kids central audition..
But was too early..
Eric as usual,lazy...
So the 7 of us went to eat at Marina square's Cavana...
After tat,went Penin after the gals and Firaj suddenly dissappeared...
Walked around Penin looking for shirts designs...
Can anyone plz tell me where i can get Ensiferum designs T-shirts??...
Coz its so rare...
N the shopkeeper is so irritating...
keep asking me to choose a diff design...

After tat..
They leave me all alone..
Coz i was meeting Hasyim and Syed...
I waited for them at City Hall for like one hour pluz..
All alone??!!!!...
Den end up meeting them at Orchard to watch Chingay..
Didnt really watched the parade coz we were more to walking around paragon...
But the area was damn packed with human beings...
I felt like i was walking round the Ka'abah in Mekkah...

Have u guys ever heard of the saying...
"Laughter is the best medicine"??...
Well,u gt aids?..
Juz laugh...

"Flaming off"...

.Wednesday, February 21, 2007 ' 1:25 AM
Love your life and live your love

I suddenly feel the urge to blog...
Work was damn tiring today and tmr another day of suffering...
Lucky me skul starts at 12..
Im sori to ameer for not replying to ur msg as my ppd low la..
So yea,sori i dun wanna wake up so early juz to go to the gym..
Sori guys..

Im juz wondering...
There's a saying tat goes...
U are wat u eat..
So does tat means those whu eat porks are pigs??...
Aren't pigs disgusting animals??...
So are u guys disgusting??..
Juz wondering...

Im off to bed nw..


.Monday, February 19, 2007 ' 1:27 AM
Love your life and live your love

Orait guys..
Here i am back again..
It was the years of trojan since my last post..
(not comparing to lynn's blog..prehistoric years..)
K,firstly,im sori to those who keep nagging at me asking me to update, update....
I was kinda bz with my stuffs peeps..
Laziness is the major reason..

So,my job has been somewhat "great"..
It was kinda boring to tell the truth..
Coz im juz doing the things i oredi knew over and over again...
I wanna do something diff..
But wat to do..
The rice has become porridge..

N before i forget..
I would like to wish all Chinese, Gongxi2..
Hong bao lai..
Yea..My band has also composed one song specially arranged for Chinese New Year...
Do check it out at my band's site..
Those who dun like it,i dun need ur critics..

N yea..
Talking bout my band and my songs..
I believe i have very diff kind of taste from the rest around me..
Well..Although i listen to all their songs..
They dun seemed to be listening to mine..
I guess its true wat hasyim told me..
Only musicians do listen and respect to all kinda songs..
Be it weird or funny..
N those who criticise a "weird" song..
He/she is juz a listener..
Not any musician..
They onli listen to what they like to hear and dun bother to accept something new..
So, which one are u??..
Musician or a listener??..
If u are juz a listener, den u noe nuthing bout music..
so juz shut the hell up and stop criticising bout my kinda music....
No offence to anyone but if u somehw feel the pain deep inside..
Den u noe wat u shud do..

I saw a very unsightly scene when i was walking home frm werk today...
I was walking along this lane at bout 12 midnight and there were two bangla mens somehw were smoohing...
It was bloody disgusting la..
2 bangla mens kissing in public??..
They ought to be burnt alive..
Bringing shame to the adam's descendant..
N to those gays pout there...
Wat so interesting bout kissing another person of ur same species??..
Think gays!!..
There's nuthing special bout it..
In fact its disgusting..

Im off..

.Thursday, February 08, 2007 ' 9:38 PM
Love your life and live your love

Thank God!!!..
Ive finally got a job..
At Pizza Hut Clementi...
N tmr wuld be my first day..
Ive been working in Pizza Hut Cwp for bout 5 mths...
N nw im back into the same thing again...
Its ok..
Atleast i have some cash to keep me going..

Tmr is also the due date for ETP..
And guess wat??..
I still dunno wat i muz do for my part..
I dun have Microsoft Office applications so its hard for me..
All because of reformatting my lappy the other day..
Im sori gals...
I'll try to finish up watever left tmr after skul..

N yea..
I still can't forget the Year One gerl la..
Wish i could meet her again..

All the best Yazid..

.Wednesday, February 07, 2007 ' 11:22 PM
Love your life and live your love

Today during PIE..
Ms Faith Lee seems surprisingly nice..
Wonder wat happened..
She was so f**ked up the other day and started blaming the whole class for no reason..
She did not even smile when we saw her..
Forget bout smiling,instead she even looked away..
N today all that changed..

So yea,after skul..
Followed Syak and Lynn to the LT for i dunno wat thing la..
They had to see a teacher..
Den,saw this year one gal..
She was so pretty that her face looked like fake lor..
She is not that tall nor short..
Not that fair nor dark..
She is not fat nor thin..
She suddenly seem like the perfect gal la..
I looked at her when she was walking towards me..
N yea,Syak caught me staring at her..
But well,she juz smiled..
I dun even noe her name..
Or her class...
Atleast she's still in the same sch..

So after that..
Went to Teck Whye to look for Hamid and Sons building with syak and Lynn..
Nt to renovate my hse or anything la..
Its for our project..
But we found out that they are no longer there...
It has moved to Ang Mo Kio or sumthing for some reasons..
N so the planned has to be cancelled..
Instead we went to eat at LJS at Lot 1..
Had a long chat with them over Chicken fillet and Coke..
It was actualli nice talking to Lynn bout her probs and all..
Well Lynn..
If u need any advise,im here..
So nw u noe why im single up till nw ryt??..
Den u better help me with the year one gal so u dun hav to worry animore..
Tats all peeps..
Till next time....

.Sunday, February 04, 2007 ' 11:30 PM
Love your life and live your love

Didnt do much these few days..
Being angry over some things..
First of all..
Bout this fu**er called "unknown" who tags at my frens blog..
He criticised him and called us posers..
And even look down on my band..
I dun mind if he criticise the band...
But calling me poser and talking bad bout my dad and mum..
Tats juz too much...
First he tags my frens blog and called us posers..
K fine..
He claimed he is a true metal head..
My ASS!!
A true metalhead, but criticises and yet afraid to reveal his identity..
Hiding his dick inside his own asshole..
My fren is nw asking his teacher if there is aniway we could track spammers..
I swear i would circumsize his dick into pieces if i get my hands on him...
Wat does he noes bout metal..
If he calls himself a metalhead juz by knowing the number of the beast tats juz crap..
Who the hell he thinks he is??..
A metal prodigy or something??..
Get a life la dude and stop ur crap coz if u dun,i'll make sure ur head drop off from ur body..

Im sorry for using some vulgar languages..


Freelance Guitarist
Single & Mingling :)



A New Electric Guitar
The Complete Gadget Set
Desperate need of a band (anyone interested)
More Shirts and Jeans
Admission to Polytechnic
Bike License FAST
CBR 150
And anything that u guys can think of,i need those