.Saturday, April 28, 2007 ' 9:53 PM
Love your life and live your love
I cant get her out of my head...
In the bus,in the train,even when i closed my eyes...
I can see her...
Uncle wiwi...
Help me...
Her face has been playing in my mind...
Her smiles...
Niwae,juz came back from town with some of the pog and DC crew..
DC had a dance competition near vivo there but unfortunately they did not win anything...
But great effort put in...
Well done DC crew...
Its nice hanging out with them..
Cool bunch of peeps..
Niwae Is...
Help me!!
Wat shud i do??...
Cant get her out of my head...
Maybe i shud get up frm my dreamz...
hee... ;p
Im outta here la...
.Thursday, April 26, 2007 ' 8:57 PM
Love your life and live your love
Juz bored,so decided to post sumthing..
So Syed's leaving for KL on Tues,1st May 2007..
He's joining an institution in KL..
Im not too sure wat its called but yea,he'll be taking a bio-chem course or sumthing??...
Juz hope he'll do well there...
Niwae,sori for not replying to ur tags my dear taggers...
So i'd reply it here aite..
to Liana: haa,aku tk anti sape2..juz putting it as a general term.. :)
to Quraishah: Haha..tk baik tkpe ah..sape mkn cili dier la pedas kn??..hee..
to Sweety: Hee..No prob..Show me wat ure made of..hee..So,wat instrument can u play??...
to Ika: Jarang??..oh sal aku kn rajin..slalu gi klas...so jarang la nmpk..wakakka..
to Ella: Hello there..Nxt month ehk??...ok2..no prob..as long as u ask its fine...If can try to help as much as u can la k...hee...
to Ameer: Like ive told u...Im mostly right..wakakka..jk
to Khad: Hee...Well,ive no grudges or watsoever with any gal la...Cume tat's wat ive been seeing all this while la..
Ok tags replied...Nuthing else to say...
Cant wait to watch Spiderman 3..
Mon we're gonna taunt again...
Watching midnight movie..
No gals to with but whu cares...
I got my brothers..
Tats all..
.Tuesday, April 24, 2007 ' 12:16 AM
Love your life and live your love
Hmm..Let me see...
Wat to update today??..
Haa..I juz recalled this..
A girl once asked me..
Why do guys like younger girls??...
I'd asnwer tat as a general question...
Well,the answer lies within urself girls...
Nw tell me...
Hav u seen any gal whu goes for younger guys??..
If u say yes,nw ans me..
Out of 10,hw many??....
Haa..Nw u see the reason to why guys go for younger gals??..
All those the same age group of gals wuld choose older guys..
Den whu do u expect us guys to choose from??...
Haiz..N the main reason behind older guys is of course money!!..
Like duh!!..wakaka..
N i understand tat not all gals are like tat...
Onli some bitches whu goes for wealth..
No offence to anyone but sape mkn cilli dier la rase pedas ehk...
Im ouuta here...
.Saturday, April 21, 2007 ' 11:14 PM
Love your life and live your love
Well,juz came back frm a day out with Syak,Aizat,Lyn,Ameer n Eric....
BUt left onli Ameer n Eric later on...
Well,Aizat had to morph n Syak had to head home..
Lyn as usual met Firaj dunno go where..
So onli the 3 guys nights out..
So first thing in the morning is met up with Aizat,Syak n Lyn for the NDP thingy at Simei..
N yea,after tat..Met Ameer and Eric at Peninsula Plaza after eating at Lucky Plaza,all time fav ayam penyet..
N,i bought Orthanc EP release...
The 8th copy of the 100 release...
Soon,its gonna be rare coz they are never gonna reproduce tat piece again..
Pluz,they are awesome..
Then went to watch wild hogs with Ameer n Eric at the Grand Cathay..
The movie was great..
realli worth the money paid...
U guys shud watch it..
Nxt movie awaiting is of course the famous Marvel Superhero Spiderman 3...
Cant wait...
Anyone wanna watch with me??...
Applicable to gals onli...
Basically tats all that we did today..
Also bought a new cardigan...
aha...Frm 30 bucks i was offered to 20...
Nice tactic used said Ameer..
.Tuesday, April 17, 2007 ' 12:41 AM
Love your life and live your love
Ok..First day of skul was juz crap...
Everyone said to meet up at yew tee mrt to go together..
Ok fine..
I msged ameer at 8.20 thinking class starts at 9am..
But no reply..fine,went straight hoping to juz meet them at skul...
Reached Clementi and beep2..
One msg received...
Zid,class start kul 12..
I was like...Fcuk la...
Im alreadi reaching skul and u tell me class starts 3 hrs later...
Luckily hasyim was having his councelling duties...
Met him n juz talk..
Killing tym while awaiting noon...
K the guys arrived and we played table tennis for one hr..
Nw we are called SN..
Tats the new class..
No more SD..
N we finished skul arnd 3 n everyone went straight home as it was raining heavily..
But ameer,eric n is went to eat at Lot 1 i guess..
Sori cant join u guys..Maybe tmr..
So tats it for todays happenings..
No pretty chicks in skul..
Yg ade pon sume bpk ayam la ameer..
There's a place in the North far2 away...
.Sunday, April 15, 2007 ' 1:27 AM
Love your life and live your love
Since one of my biggest blogfan has commented on me to update...
here it goes ariyan...
Well,first of all..i need a new job..
I dun think i can survive with tat much pay...
I need a better paying job la...
Say watever u all want tat whether im not thankful or watsoever...
Go ahead...
But this is my life...
N i noe i deserve a better paying job....
Werked like hell these few months n i onli receive like $300-$400/mth??...
No way im gonna continue...
PLuz with my skul starting one day away..
Wat am i gonna get??...50 bucks per mth??..
Hell no...
Cant wait to be 18...
8 more mths...
tats when all doors to any kind of jobs would be opened...
N could also received much more freedom to do more things...
Ryt syed??...hahhaaa....
Well,talking bout skuls...
Its been one year since i first joined ITE where i met those crazy fellas...
But im still the craziest amongst them all...
N i cant wait to get to 2nd year...
One more day..
New intakes...
New gals...
Juz kidding..
I realli gave up on love la...
Not tat im becoming gay la f**kers...
But im afraid to say tat coz i might juz fall in love again...
Its juz tat i cant seem to find the ryt one yet...
Ini sala...Itu tk kene...
Mcm2 ah...haa
N whenever i realli loved tat gal,she would juz hav another reason to y she cant accept my love..
Well,maybe its partly my fault too la..
Coz i never seemed to let "her" go away frm my heart...
Eventhough she's juz a memory...
The gal of my dream has oredi gone far2 away....
So nw im juz waiting for that gal whu might be dreaming for me..
Nw im juz waiting for her...
N whu noes she might juz dream of me...
The stars fell from the night skies....
N i picked it up..
.Sunday, April 08, 2007 ' 1:10 AM
Love your life and live your love
Here are the few pics that i "stole" from Is...Thx ah..Haha...
During the BBQ...

Ish2 syak..Nk posing pon perot maintain..

It took us about 2 hrs to east coast...

This would hav been a very nice pic if onli we stand abit in the middle..

Guess who was being buried??...

N they all said i was sleeping..
I was juz resting n shutting my eyes la..
Hahha..nothing much..N yea,ive no pics for the 6-7 apr event..ahha..
Till here then..
.Saturday, April 07, 2007 ' 12:15 PM
Love your life and live your love
Hello ppl....
K,firstly i would like to say that this is gonna be a very long post...
Yea,n i mean it..very damn long post...
So spare ur time...
Thurs-Fri,5 & 6April 2007Met Is,Ameer,Eric at Cck mrt station....
Took bus at clementi interchange where Hafiz was waiting..
Reached East Coast and proceed to our bbq pit..
Played soccer,swam and went night riding after bbqing...
So yea,did nothing much...
But later part of the night is where the most irritating part came...
A group of indian teens came n stayed beside our pit and make a hell of a noise...
Fuck u all la indian bastards...
Switching on ur radios with tat stupid tamil song of urs...
N they even shout out loud while dancing to the tune...
Cmon la fuckers...
Ur songs arent at all nice to groove to,in case any of u dun realise tat...
K fine,im being a bit racist here..
But do u think i care??!!...
Go to hell bastards...
After tat went back home the next day...
Fri-Sat,6 & 7April 2007K,heres more story to tell...
If u guys think the story above was not tat exciting,read on....
Firstly,reached home at bout 10+ am...
Kinda slept for 2 hrs before jamming with Coventide...
After tat,didnt feel like going home so met up with Hasyim,Syed and Idris...
We ate and did nuthing much before meeting Azam at bout 10pm...
Head to esplanade and chilled there..
Playing dragonball on Azam's and Syed's PSP...
N yea,bcoz of tat game..We left esplanade at bout 11.45pm..
Juz to find out that the door to CityLink was closed..
We walked all the way thru the other entrance at Raffles Shopping Centre and wat a surprise the grilled was being pulled down by SMRT officers...
We missed the last train home!!!!!...
N the real story comes in here...
This is the most exciting part of all...
We torned(or however it is spelled) the whole night walking..
We toured the whole CBD..
before deciding to proceed to Mustaffa Centre..
The journey there was a real fucking scary experience i ever had..
N yea,i guess we were disturbed by playful spirits..
It started when we were under this row of shophouses where somebody called Syed...
He thot it was his mum but the num stated "Yazid"..
"Thx eh Zid"..he said..
But...The funny thing is my fone was never with me..
It was in the bag tat he himself was carrying....
"Kalau kau tk call,sape yg call??.."Syed asked..
N right after he said that...The light on top of us went dead out of a sudden...
Like seriously the ambience was juz damn ghostly...
We ran to the 7-11 few steps away n cooled down...
N yea,the fone was still ringing..
So i took out my fone n see tat Syed answered the call..
He didnt press the answer button for goodness sake...
He tried to hear everything thru the voicemail...
The creepy part is when we heard a small girl laughing...
There's no one else besides us..
Tats the first experience fyi...
The 2nd experience...
After we cooled down for awhile..
We continued our journey..
Hasyim den saw one of the shophouses door being opened and saw the "chinese prayers" or watever it is..
Fair enuff when he turned back,the door was closed...
While walking,Syed and Azam heard footsteps following..
N out of a sudden,the guitar tat Azam was carrying snapped n it dropped...
We all looked...
The most fucking weird thing is tat the guitar strap was not broken...
It was originally attached permanently and there was nowhere it could have snapped if the thing didnt break...
I was so freaked out,my legs were trembling..
This is my first ever time i felt this way..
Tears were about to dropped down..
I felt like crying...
N this time we didnt run..We walked to the nearest place full of ppl...
There,we checked the strap again..
Its juz weird..
3rd experience...
We kept walking and came to a time we were about to cross a road...
A taxi juz zoomed by and horned like nobody's business...
I felt at a moment i was gonna die...
Seriously,i was so shocked i shouted my lungs out..
I totalli lose my cool at tat point of time...
My face went red...
N the others were in state of shock too...
i swear that if i recognised the driver's face..I would punch him hard right on his nose....
Going on...We finally reached Mustaffa Centre at bout 4am and ate..
We were finally free from any harm...
After tat walked around and bought some things before heading to Farrer's Park Mrt station...
Train arrived at 6am and we headed home...
Safe n sound...
Glad n thx to god!!..
So yea...Tats the experience i had...
I slept onli bout 4 hrs for 3 days...
Away from home for 2 days...
N had a whole fuckng new experience and a new story to tell...
I swear tat everything i told was true and nuthing could explain it...
The phonecall...The door...The guitar strap....
All in one night...
.Thursday, April 05, 2007 ' 3:21 AM
Love your life and live your love
Some say..
"Dun fly too high,u might fall n get hurt"
Well..I say..
"Its not bout flying too high,its bout flying high n making sure u check ur wings"
Make sense??...
Well,im good...
N if u dunno wat it means...
Im juz trying to play arnd with quotes..
N yea,this phrase has helped a fren gain confidence...
I guess....
So its 3+ am nw..
Im still infront of my lappie...
Had to meet the pog-ers later at 10 at Clementi Station...
Im juz afraid i cant wake up on time...
N yea,Syak is giving me a wake up call...
Well,we are having a bbq at east coast park....
N maybe overnyte there...
The guys confirmed..
The gals i dunno..haha..
So see ya there peeps...
Tatss all folks..
.Tuesday, April 03, 2007 ' 3:37 AM
Love your life and live your love
Orait guys...
Here are my rituals for today..
Let me see..
First thing first..
I regretted cutting my hair...
Well,although it looks kinda ok at first...
Nw my hair on top is growing longer but the front is so damn short...
Da tk hensem!!..
Nw i look like an ibanese...
I want my old hair back...
Where someone did say i look much cuter in tat hair..
PLuz,my hair colour is fading..
I want the colour back!!..
Thot of buying the colour developer like wat IS used..
But dunno if it could werk..
Kkk...Next issue..
Am bored sitting arnd at home..
Tired of werking too!!
I wanna go back to skul...
N its like 2 freaking weeks??...
Im gonna die...
Cant wait to get back..
The april intake are joining..
N u noe wat tat means..
Aku mmg pencinta wanita,namun ku bukan buaya...
Ok guys and gals...
I think tats the end of my bedtime story..
I need to go to bed..
Outta here..
Flaming off...
.Sunday, April 01, 2007 ' 1:13 AM
Love your life and live your love
Went chalet at Sentosa's Costa Sands and it was kinda fun...
But its boring too coz its onli 2D1N thing..
Shud have stayed longer onli den it wuld be crazier..
We actuali walked all the way to Tanjong beach at arnd 2 in the morning...N back again!!
Played Truth or Dare but we all chosed truth as nobody dared to do anything as it was already 3am and it was a thurs night...
Couldnt believe that after the chalets went jamming with Coventide..
Was so damn tired..
So here are some of the pics..
Sori took onli a few coz no one brought any camera with them..
This was also thx to Jaz's fone...
So enjoy..

BBQing...Never knew fire was so hard to start..

The food..Eel's meat..Some chicken n sausages..

Looks burnt..But was not!!hahaa..


Goin back home..

The TBC portrait..

Flaming off...