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.Thursday, April 24, 2008 ' 1:27 AM
Love your life and live your love

Alright..Here's some updates..
Since my Indian fren,Aizat and some others has pestered me to update..
Here i am..

So Leng..jgn bising2 suro update eh..
Aniwae went down to La Salle with Syed few days back to apply..
The interview is on 2nd May..Nxt Fri..
I was wondering..Why the hell interview??..
We are gonna pay so much niwae..Juz accept la..-_-
And the hell note frm MINDEF has not arrive..
If im accepted into La Salle means hell has to wait 3 more years..

SO..theres absolutely nuthing interesting goin on in my life ryt nw..
Juz repetition of my pure boring cycle daily routine..
Hw i wish i was schooling..In tat i so used to call pathetic school of mine..
Well its pathetic aniwae..But i realli2 missed those cherished moments..

Where theres an Indian who speaks malay and listen to Chinese songs..
A confused chinese..A dracula who stands sunlight..An old hag..
Mixed blood Bai who has nuthing but his guitar and songs..
A boy who befriend fishes..a short negro girl..big hairy gorilla..
Round dodo bird..Confused taoist nun..a shrieking banshee..and the all time infamous beer bellied model..

So this are the 12 crazy frens who calls themselves POG tat i made during my 2 yrs journey in ITE whom has nw go on their seperate ways..
Hope no one feels offended bout the above characters..kuang3
All the best to all of u and also to myself...May our life stories end blissfully..

Nxt topic...let me see...
Ive nt been having proper jamming sessions for bout 5 mths nw..
And im so desperate!!!..plz..anyone..audit a freelancer guitarist who could play hmm...rock?metal?..ska?..alternative?..anything!!..punkrocks out of the pic plz..
Gals....neh,theres none to talk bout nw..Lifes been abit empty without them..
Any gals who wished to go for audition can contact me directly or juz nudge me up at msn...wakakaka...requirements muz of course be

ok so tats bout it for todays entry...Lets see when the next update will be up..
so lets all wait..

An old man once said...With great powers,comes great responsibilities..
Wat if i have so much responsibility and no power? ok im crapping..Bye!!

.Wednesday, April 09, 2008 ' 5:48 AM
Love your life and live your love

Its about 5.30am..
56 hrs and my eyes has not seen darkness..
My mind has not stop thinking..Wondering..
My heart racing fast..
Wats my nxt step?..Where shud i go?..Wat shud i do?..
The world came crashing down when the "unsuccessful" application was being flung straight in my face..
Polytechnic has rejected me..I felt useless..
I dunno how to give up either..
Committing suicide is not an option..
Going private is a hard way..
National service is the final call..
Which one??..


Mum has allowed me to join La Salle..Considered Filming course..
S$ 51.5K for a 3yrs diploma..
S$ 15.5K after tuition grant..
But is it worthed it??..
The career path: Screenwriter, Director, Producer, Cinematographer
and other related careers such as Sound Designer, Script Supervisor, Post-production Editor..
I know Singapore might not be the best industry..And thats exactly the thing that has been running in my mind ryt nw..
After diploma,i have to serve "National Service" for god noes why..
And after that?..Hit the Msia movie industries??..
I seriously cant decide..

N should I enter NS..After 2 yrs..Where would i be going?..
Study??..At where?..Would the tuition grant still valid for me??..
Or would i be a different person after that and loose interest in studies??..
Work??...With no diploma??...Hw much shall i earn??..
Its a risk..

Or maybe sign on for another 3 yrs..5 yrs of total hell..Grab the 10k bonus..
And then??...

I am realli confused..My sleeps are disturbed..and hell is on its way..
Someone plz help me!!.

.Saturday, April 05, 2008 ' 2:42 AM
Love your life and live your love

Congratulations to those who get into polytechnic..
Aizat,Is,Lyn and Syak..
May u all last long in this tertiary education and get a gd life ahead..
To those who did not,dun give up..
Im sure we have our own destiny..
We do not foresee the future..So,giving up is nt an option..
Strive and earn..

Aniwae,KL was great...The 5 days 4 nights trip was not a waste afterall though much of the plans we made did not follow..
Hasyim and I slept over at Azam's place on Sun and make a move to JB at about 8am..
Reached Larkin at 9am and bought the 9.30am ticket to Pudu,KL..
The half and hour break was spent on buying mags,sweets,drinks and not forgetting cigarettes..Haha..
So the bus trip shall not be elaborated here and we reached KL about 2pm..Called Syed to pick us up but he could only reached about 5pm due to his exams..He nw studies in UniSel..

1st Day/Night

SInce Syed could not make in in time,the 3 of us booked into a budget hotel,CintaMani to rest..
Some of u might be thinking what kinda hotel it is but well,its nt bad afterall..
Equipped with aircon,tv,a queen and a single size bed and most importantly,clean attached bathroom..
Enuff to fit the 3 of us and our luggages..
We wandered the town and bought a prepaid sim card..
SInce none of the 3 are familiar with the place,we ate and decided to stay in the hotel for syed..
A&W was the greatest choice we made since the other fast food outlets around could be found in Spore..
Syed arrived at bout 7pm due to traffice jam since he is driving..
One advantage to us too..:)
Den we proceed to sight seeing at KLCC..
The tallest building in Msia..
Was beautifully lighted with strong volts of light making even the sky seems like morning..
The most nicest landmark ive ever seen in my whole life..
The next thing we knew,it was time for dinner...To save cost,we ate at a food stall beside Time Suare and it was the most delicios meal of the night..White rice with Tom Yam,Lamb soup,Egg,and Kailan..Woohoo..da bomb!!
Did a lil bit of shopping at Uptown Shah Alam..
Nxt went shisha near Syed's house at shah alam and met some of his housemates..
They were all very frenly..
There was Blurr,Ziq,Zat and Wan..
This was the first time Hasyim smoked!!!..haha..
Onli sisha of course..As he would never take cigarette..
The nxt half of the night was spent on the rooftop of Syed's house playing guitar with his frens..Bout 7am,reached the hotel...

2nd Day/Night

We realli need to get rid of the waking up at bout 2 habit...Syed arrived at 3.30pm after his exam and we took off to Hasyim's aunt terrace...He badly wanted to visit the relatives whom has been away from his eyes for 12 long years..
They were nice...Treated us well and his grandfather's stories were interesting..
Who knew tat he was a captain of a ship for more than 70 yrs!!..He even stayed in England for 2 yrs...wat an experience..
After the 5 hrs visit..We finally make a move to a port near the Eye on Msia..
Guess wat we did?!..
Syed let us drive his car!!..How cool is tat..haha..
And on the way there,we drove thru Bukit Bintang trying to find a new hotel..But were stopped by two diff man..
"Bang,mau amoi tk?..Cantek giler punya..Kasi lu bilik skali.."
They were prostitute dealer..Hmmmmmm..Hahaha
they even issue name cards!!
Aniwae,Syed let us test drive..haha..
We took turns to test the car and a very nice experience...My first time pressing the clutch of a car..
Azam was the best driver,since he had experience in his bike lessons..
Me and Hasyim was not bad too..haha..
We only stopped when we saw a police car drove pass us..and the driver was me!!!!..
I duno wat would have happened if they did stop us...haa
So nxt stop is..KRU..
A coffeshop where the KRU members used to hang out..According to Syed..Haha..
Wat gd is a coffeshop without sisha ryt??..
So one more nyt of Sisha..Haha.
On the way,we drove thru a highway and Hasyim who is beside Syed,was controlling the steering wheel!!!..
And he damn love it..while Azam and me was praying for life..haha..
We were travelling more than 120Km/hr!!!..
Checked out Petaling Street and did some more shopping..
Aft tat,hotel sweet hotel..

3rd Day/Night

As usual,planned to wake up early for Sunway Lagoon..But ended up waking up in the afternoon..
Sunway was a failure..And one of the most unwanted experience throughout the trip..
Reached the Lagoon at 2.30pm and the entrance was 60RM!!..
How unlucky can we be when thunderstorm strikes after 2 hrs when we entered..
All rides were closed due to inclement weather..
And it rained till the theme park closes!!..-_-
Nvm,so we proceed for dinner at a restaurant where they serve u western for all u can eat..
Its juz like KFC with some other western food,but we could eat as much as we want to...haha..
After we are full,Syed brought us to PutraJaya..Was a very nice city full of lights..
But a lil bit dead though coz the town is onli 3 yrs old and not much people lives there..
Up nxt KLIA..A very long destination..Bout an hr plus b4 we reached KL airport..
And when we reached the world's best airport,we received a not so best service..
We decided to ask the counter the price of a flight ticket to spore but instead of letting us question..They asked us to take a number first...Its the middle of the night at 4am!!!!
No one is around and they could have juz answered us..
"Please take a number first.." ergh!!...-_-
Reached hotel at 6 pluz..
Our last night in the hotel...

4th Day/Night

The best event of the whole trip..We woked up at 11am and went to Ulu Yam..Very2 near Genting Highland..
We met Syed's frens again at his house and we all went to Ulu Yam in 2 cars..
The trip to the place eats up hours...As we need to go up the mountain road..
Reached the place at 4pm and we all jumped in the river..
The river tat was flowing from the mountain has very2 strong currents and the temp is as cold as the aircon i guess..
BBQed hotdogs and made a campfire..Kampung style..
When night falls..We can hardly see anything..not even our hands..
So,Syed has to give some light from his!!..
Even in the dark,we had our last dip in the water..hhaa
The scary part is when Mon,asked us to leave as he said he saw something...
We onli found out after we left..The thing tat he saw was a pochong..
And Azam thot he saw a woman in cloth sitting near our stuffs while watching us...
So we thot it muz be the bunian..
Damn scary!!!..
Proceed to Uptown once again for more shopping!!!..Den we had our nicest Cendol in Klang...2 bowls for each of us..
And the Kampung Fried Rice was woohhoooo..Traditional!!
Nxt,we hang arnd at Tanjung Beach B4 heading to Syed's house..
When we reached,Syed was also so sleepy tat he slept in the car after parking..
Was oredi 5am...
An hour in the car b4 we were awaken by zat,asking us to go up..
So we bought Nasi LEmak which was legend!!!..
Nasi Lemak with cockles...fuyoh!!..
Had breakfast b4 goin to sleep at bout 7am..
Woke up in the afternoon...
I wonder when can we ever wake up early morning..haha..
So we went Klang to buy our tickets back home...
The earliest we can get was 3.30pm bus..
Since we reached 2 hrs ealier,had some prata for lunch..
Bought snack and up the bus we went..
Reached Spore at about 9.30pm..
Finally Home sweet Home..
(Onli to find out that my application for Poly was Unsuccessful..Hmph..)

But overall was a nice experience for me.

And here are some cool werds ive learnt there...

Mantong = Noneng/Mabok

Berbulu = Boring/Bingit


Freelance Guitarist
Single & Mingling :)



A New Electric Guitar
The Complete Gadget Set
Desperate need of a band (anyone interested)
More Shirts and Jeans
Admission to Polytechnic
Bike License FAST
CBR 150
And anything that u guys can think of,i need those