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.Thursday, October 23, 2008 ' 12:08 AM
Love your life and live your love

Children of Africa.

Isn't it sad to see those children not having proper meal,shelters and education. The moment u see this picture,tell me what is the first thing that comes to your mind?..
If you're gonna tell me things like starvation, torture, sadness and stuffs relating to it..You are not wrong. But it seems like it relates me to something else.
Something that is far from what these children are facing. In fact,its someone. Someone who has proper meal, proper roofs above their heads, given the chance to go to proper school..And that someone i'm referring to is none other than youngsters nowadays.
Well,they prefer to be called Mat and Minah reps. These particular group of people,if you look at them carefully has about the same complexion as those african childrens. Not that i'm trying to be a racist but maybe they are just too exposed under the sun.
Most prefer to have skinny bodies..I mean they have to be skinny to become a Mat/Minah don't they??..Its not like they have a choice...The fat ones??.. Well i wouldn't even wanna talk about them.
Homes to them are void decks, town areas, or maybe some deserted ulu places where they like to hang out with their peers.
Education?..Don't mention it as most of these people quited school as early as 15 yrs old. Now lets take a look at this.

So now u see the similarities i see in these two different group of children?..
Both are loved.

Here's something else..This picture is a picture i found on some Mat rep friendster profile.

A cool picture??..Nah...I don't think so..
Let's see what he looks like...

Similar??.. ;)

.Wednesday, October 22, 2008 ' 1:50 AM
Love your life and live your love

I am disappointed that Singapore seems like the only democratic country that disallowed Freedom of Speech. Why couldn't the citizens have their say?.. Its not like we are gonna go for strike or protest against the government..We just wanna express some serious unhappiness. Lets look at the headlines below..

Man fined for $200 for sleeping on bench in Park

Don't want to clear your food tray? Pay

These are two headlines that are published in Singapore's The Newpaper dated Wednesday,15 October 2008 and Tuesday,21 October 2008. So what do you think?
Singapore is a Fine Country? Indeed.

In less than a week we encountered 2 ridiculous reasons to get fined.Or shall i say,stupid? The poor man faced daylight robbery of $200 after taking a 15 min nap in one of S'pores National Park. Fined for only one reason. Sleeping. Yes, 200 bucks just for taking shelter under the rain and falling asleep. In a place where we are allowed to hang around and rest,sleeping is illegal?? Isn't it called resting??..

Next, trays should be cleared after eating at food courts. This is another crappy rule. First of all,there are cleaners who do all these jobs. If you're saying have pity on those aunties and uncles,well i say too bad. Its their responsibilities. What's the use of paying a 7% Goods and Service Tax if i don't get the services i should. If those cleaners are too old to do it,then hire some ex convicts whom i think shouldn't have a problem. Where's the yellow ribbon practice?? Singapore is known to have good food around, and if this silly rule were to be imposed, wouldn't it stopped tourists from having a nice meal here?.. So what are we supposed to be known as?.. A Fine City??..Again???

So why are the government taking extremely bizarre measures?? Shouldn't they take into consideration to impose regulations such as to fine Bangladeshi workers who leaves all their empty beer bottles under void decks. Or even better they should fine gay people. I would love to see a headline that reads, You gay?You pay.. haha

.Tuesday, October 21, 2008 ' 4:56 AM
Love your life and live your love

Ok people..Quite a number of my die-hard blog reader had complaint about me not been updating..Some asked what happened to me,another says its getting boring..And the remaining,well just don't bother to visit it

I guess blogging had become more and more stupid when i read some that update every single day about their personal daily routine..Let me repeat, every single day!!
Some good example would be like "woke up today,was late..rushed to school/work bla bla bla" oh cmon people,let me get this clear,nobody cares whatever you did each day..So get a life,or maybe a diary in this case..

Its not like i don't update about that..i do,but i realised no one bothers..So i was thinking of changing the way i blog...maybe about something more interesting?..So for today's post i'm gonna share a little interesting fact i stumbled upon..

The word gay refers to homosexuality. or to be more specific,to guys who emotionally like other guys!!..The thing about this kind of people,sometimes do not admit that they are actually gay! some tried to cover it up by referring to the other meaning which means "joyful" or "carefree". in other words, happy.. but do you know that it has been stopped during the mid 20th century..we are already in the 21st cmon people,don't try to hide it..the only other meaning to it would be rubbish or stupid.. which is commonly used such as "oh that is so gay!!"

And i do think that is so true..because i find this group of people,mentally ill..They are just stupid men who would kiss another man.. Isn't that rubbish??
To guys..i mean gays out there who read this, i would politely ask you to be the real man you really are or you rather shoot yourself in the head..because socially it wouldn't be right..and if i were to touch it in the islamic reasons, Allah wouldn't send Azab to the people of Lut for being gay.

And by the way, my last post was 4 days before syawal..and now its already the 21st day..So hope u people had a nice house visiting and more green packets..hha one last raya outing with the peeps on the 25th..sungguh tak glam!!! kuang3


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