.Friday, August 07, 2009 ' 1:11 AM
Love your life and live your love
Heard of this one?
Snow white met prince charming and they lived happily ever after. Wait... lets get real here. What if, snow white has this FUCKING BIG ATTITUDE that prince charming can never tolerate? Snow white never cared how prince charming feels. All the hardship she went through has created a FUCKING BIG EGO. The prince tried his very best to accept her FUCKING BIG ARROGANCE and change her but this FUCKING BIG HEADED bitch never showed she cared. What if snow white has actually becomes her stepmother herself? Will the prince be able to get his happily ever after life ever?
I realised that life is never a fairytale. Why cant we live in fantasy where there are happy endings for you and me? Reality check,we do not have fairy godmothers to complain to where she could just wave all your problems away with her wand.