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.Friday, August 07, 2009 ' 1:11 AM
Love your life and live your love

Heard of this one?
Snow white met prince charming and they lived happily ever after. Wait... lets get real here. What if, snow white has this FUCKING BIG ATTITUDE that prince charming can never tolerate? Snow white never cared how prince charming feels. All the hardship she went through has created a FUCKING BIG EGO. The prince tried his very best to accept her FUCKING BIG ARROGANCE and change her but this FUCKING BIG HEADED bitch never showed she cared. What if snow white has actually becomes her stepmother herself? Will the prince be able to get his happily ever after life ever?

I realised that life is never a fairytale. Why cant we live in fantasy where there are happy endings for you and me? Reality check,we do not have fairy godmothers to complain to where she could just wave all your problems away with her wand.

.Friday, November 28, 2008 ' 4:12 PM
Love your life and live your love

This blog is no longer in use..Ive moved to
This blog will still be here though..Do link me up..:)

.Tuesday, November 25, 2008 ' 2:51 AM
Love your life and live your love

Quite a number of teens nowadays have been seen carrying the DSLR cameras..If anyone had noticed,a lot have been bringing these Digital Single-lens Reflex cam wherever they the towns,esplanade..

The question is..Is it passion or fashion??.. The interest seems to be nurtured following the growing trend..and a lot of photographers to be is born..
Now lets take a closer look at what the reporters have found out about the photographers here...especially male ones...

Referring to the Sunday's reported that amateurs are actually paying ex porn stars or in nicer terms,adult film models more than a hundred bucks for private lewd shoots..stripped to nothing and getting their bare bodies captured on cameras for some easy cash..and some,even splashed their naked photos on the net...

So is this the kinda photography these teens aimed to achieve??..or are they actually hoping for some plain pornography??..hmmmm

.Saturday, November 22, 2008 ' 4:04 AM
Love your life and live your love

Hello Imah...
thx for asking me to update ye..:p
and what happened when u suddenly went offline??..u made me dead worried..

Btw im in a somehow happy mood this few days although life is not at its best for me..
Im outta job..No cash..and just left to count my days before i entered the Jalan Bahar camp this coming Jan..and happy..haha..


Aniwae,classical is beautiful piece of music..It has been proven to help u relaxed and soothes your mind..check out this piece..


.Saturday, November 15, 2008 ' 6:19 AM
Love your life and live your love


Thursday 13 November 2008, The Singapore Zoological Garden made history by having the first death case. The news was spread like wildfire throughout the island.

If you have ever thought of committing suicide by slashing wrists,jumping down from high storeys or even the MRT trail..why not try this new and trendy way to die!..

Btw,i think the govt should build a monument called the "Glamorous dead"
They can then carve in the names of those people who always wanted to commit suicide in the most outstanding way..and of course people would remember them for that..

Nordin Montong or rather "mantong" 32 yrs old was stupid enough to end his life in the White Tigers den. I really wonder what he was thinking when he actually jumped into the cage armed with only a broomstick and a pail. In four short minutes, scratches from the paws of 3 wild beast took away his life without much effort..
upon hearing this news,only 2 things comes to mind..sympathy and stupid!!

I don't understand people who wished they could end their life or those who already did..Why?..
Life is simple,its about choices..u made a choice and u don't look back..go ahead with it.
But not making stupid choices or u'll end up being eaten by tigers..

.Saturday, November 08, 2008 ' 5:44 AM
Love your life and live your love

This is gonna be the 2nd entry for the day..Was juz bored and was bloghopping to a blog that belongs to my good indian fren..Muhd Aizat Bin Abu Bakar..Wait..did i get it wrong...Oh nuthing..haha..So yea,he requested me to do this "kill-your-time" QnA..
Changed it abit though...

RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. Do you have secrets?
- Yes

2. Would you fall in love with a boy/girl younger than you?
- Why not? girl only of course..haha

3. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
- Until i really2 moved on and ready to settle down

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
- Get everything i wished for and maybe donate half of it to each country in the world to stop homosexuality..Its disgusting.

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
- Hell No!! my best friend is a guy..

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
- Loving someone.Because i believe i can shower her all the love she needs.That's more important than getting and not giving right?..haha

7. Give one reason you look out for in the opposite sex.
- Good attitude.And of course a lil bit of looks..nyehehehe..

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
- BGR won't last that long.So wait..wahahaha(evil laugh)

9. What is the first thing you want to do when you're legal?
- In what sense?..If i'm legally married i wanna make babies..kuang3

10. What would you do if your significant other cheats on you?
- Get the truth out and if its true for no reason,find a new significant

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
- Having a stable career and married to a beautiful woman.

12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
- Friends and Family

13. How many times your heart has been broken?
- It can only be broken once and i don't wish for that to happen

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
- Single and rich. Money makes the world go round. haha

15. What is your favourite colour?
- Preferably dark

16. If you're attached but you feel as if you like someone else, what would you do?
- Hmmmmm..

17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
- Depends on what happened.:)

18. What do you want to tell the someone you really love?
- I saw the world in your eyes.You are my Universe..Copyrighted :P

19. If there is a choice between lover and friends, which will you choose?
- Friends.Its easier to confide relationship problems to your friends but rarely do we hear ppl confide friendship problems to their lover.

20. Do you believe that there's "True Love"?
- No.Love is just like life..Is there such thing as True Life?..It just happens and is there as it is..No fake nor true :)

5 people to do this survey:
- I wanna put a stop to this..But if anyone who's bored and wished to do it..Feel free =)


Freelance Guitarist
Single & Mingling :)



A New Electric Guitar
The Complete Gadget Set
Desperate need of a band (anyone interested)
More Shirts and Jeans
Admission to Polytechnic
Bike License FAST
CBR 150
And anything that u guys can think of,i need those